
You keep bringing this up…should I regret not watching Reign? And yes…I am also crushing on Sophie Lowe, currently.

I think sparkletone wrote this while watching or - more likely? - pretended to.

3) It's more likely that this is a parallel to the relationship with his own daughter. Whatever you like, though.

I don't know, I love Sleepy Hollow, but it's not like the blend of comedy and drama is a novel concept. Most genre shows do this and there are quite a few that are good at it.

Yeah, this is what it's doing. I thought that's a new development due to this re-design, but I guess that Disqus logging you out then puts you on the "backup account" or whatever it is that I signed up for, yesterday (unknowingly). Whenever I log out now I am "smallguy".

I love how even the staff had to create temp accounts to be able to comment…

It is funny how one full day after the re-design this still makes sense.

One downvote cancels somewhere between 20-50 upvotes or something. I can't figure it out, it seems to vary. It is really quite stupid.

I must confess, I have no idea what you are talking about. Never seen those things.

No, you didn't. Whenever I get logged out by Disqus now, it doesn't tell me like it used to but instead silently turns me into "smallguy" although it says "Post as Brax".

I am usually not one to do this (in fact, I really don't like the practice), but…ALL the upvotes to you! Like a hundred at once, if I could. For a huge comment like yours that doesn't waste a word, I feel a silly non-comment like this is forgivable.

208 upvotes. And 2 downvotes bring it down below 94. I thought one downvote cancels out a dozen upvotes or something. But apparently it's closer to A HUNDRED.
What a piece of shit feature.

Oh, I thought Quetsiyah didn't put Amara on The Other Side because technically there was no Other Side back then. But your safeguard theory also makes "a lot of sense". Anyway, I think there is enough wriggle-room to fan-wank this one…

Yeah, not sure what Carrie didn't understand about this. Quetsiyah is dead, Silas is dead, both were supernatural, The Other Side still exists. We are going to see both of them again because of Bonnie, no problem. We are soon going to get Alaric back, I am tellin' ya!

It was a cheap fake-out by virtue of delaying the effects of the spell or some shit like that. TVD used to be good at real twists.

Now that Matt is finally interesting they bench him. I don't get it, either.

Try your account again, it should work now.

I actually changed passwords on a dummy account, as it turned out. I am back fully functional. However, I did not go through with an email validation for that dummy…no idea what happens if you do that.

Thanks, I am back to normal.

I'm back!
What would have happened if I had validated the email with "smallguy"?