
I'm back. The responses are showing up as normal, again. Can't edit the above, obviously…

To be fair, that might be half the season/series.

No. I am proof to the contrary. I love this show. I fell asleep during most of OUAT before I quit it.

Another one successfully assimilated. That's more of a twist than anything in this episode!

Those were the days? You mean it got worse from there? But somehow that's more worthy of coverage, I guess.

I don't get why this is any less discussion-worthy than the mothership, but ok.

Hmmm, there was no movie version of that? Then I guess it was just a few episodes (or even just one) or I missed more classes than I remember…

Technical film analysis or whatever. Also, English is my foreign language.

If Tyler has plans, they all go to hell as soon as he is a few feet away from Klaus and loses his shit over that. Then he goes from "I need to destroy the Devil Child!" to "I really just want to die right now, get it over with!".

Well, Klaus explained to us why he let Tyler live. Your choice if you think it makes sense or not. Definitely an easy way out for the writers, either way.

You are playing right into my theory that the Hayley we see right now is only the human (apparently stupid) part of hers. The wolf part is following her around.
So that's why that worked! Tyler couldn't have known that, though…well, he's an idiot.

Tyler was a jock with untamed werewolf inside of him which he was unaware of. That was never his fault. I think they really telegraphed that twist back then. It's not like everything on TVD has always been surprising.

Which is why Klaus is so ridiculous talking about how Elijah is viewing him as the bastard. It's not like the guy hasn't said countless times that he will never give up on redemption for Klaus. Then again…Klaus isn't wrong, is he? Elijah doesn't look at him the same way he did at all of his other siblings.

It sounds like just about every single character on CW (and formerly WB) shows with supernatural elements. Possibly also the soaps, I wouldn't know.

I want to simultaneously upvote and downvote you for this…
Because I love Klaus as a character on his own and especially in combination with the rest of the cast (Morgan seems to play well off everyone), but I can definitely see how one might be getting tired of him.

Davina: Wants to kill the entire coven both for revenge and - more importantly - setting herself free of being killed by them, first. She just wants to be as normal as a gay club kid turning vampire! (That's Plec's acceptance of her perceived minorities for you.)

English: Star Wars, My Fair Lady, Gandhi (the whole thing, I believe…), The Usual Suspects, Psycho, Being There, Clueless and (Fucking) Forrest Gump

Isn't it obvious already that the Tower of David crew are lying about being instructed by Carrie? There was this map on the wall in Carrie's place…I am not sure what that was. She was tracking possible sightings of Brody? That map had post-its and whatnot everywhere!

Yes, it was "welcome" padding to delay the twist, to put it in a less charitable way than you did.

What I meant was rather implied than said, sorry about that.