
I am SO not watching that one.

Now I am confused…Lady Jayne (Victoria Smurfit) is the vampire hunter aka Dracula's "fuck buddy" as you put it. Dracula has shown no interest in Mina's friend Lucy (Katie McGrath).

"You can take it seriously and laugh with it at the same time"
That's true for a lot of genre shows, though. In fact, I can't think of any I watched that this wasn't the case. Because if it weren't, I wouldn't be watching it.

You confused Lucy with Jayne. Lucy is Mina's friend. You probably know that by now, but thought I'd clear it up for future readers.

I admit I haven't read it (I am not even watching this show), but…holy shit, that's a long review for PDN standards!

I really like Todd's reviews, I think he is generally competent and offers great insights.
But I think he often jumps on the bandwagon of popular opinion, retconning his past stance on things. Sometimes even passing off theories made by the community as his own, as if he always believed in them, when we can clearly

Someone. I am incredibly thankful for them for not playing the mole trope straight and put a face to them. Unless there is still a mole to be revealed…

Quinn questioning his old ways is a popular trope that is grounded in reality. Especially now that Carrie is involved and he is crushing hard on her. Plus, covering up a double murder in this fashion is brutal stuff. Don't see how that's "horseshit".

Yes, but that was last week when Saul kept Dar Adal in the dark. Everyone is aware of it, now. Saul told Lockhart. He only locked him in the conference room to stall for Javadi to leave the country. The entire operation will most likely made "public", now. I imagine there will be deals made to partially cover it up.

Well, the issue is mostly if he let it happen, by surrendering his keys. Not much you have to do for that other than give in. I guess it's still possible that he did it to protect his family.

You are in luck! There are people with email notifications for any and all discussions they ever participated in.

2. That part of the operation is over. The "Iranians" are Javadi, his henchmen who are now with him undercover, which I expect to be a problem…
Plus the representatives including that lawyer. The latter might still be tracking, true.
There IS no such thing as a non-Saul CIA.

Rupert Friend played the shit out of that scene, it was fantastic.

Has BE become less of a super-dramatic-monolog-per-episode and symbolism! with a jackhammer affair than it was in season 1? Quit after that…

"we watched Fara grab a scissors in close-up, just for the sake of having suspense in a scene that didn’t really need suspense"
As sooo many things this season, that was a 24 shout-out. Playing with your expectations of what you have seen on that show. But on this show they don't let the guy sit around in a room all on

Todd has admitted to grade like he just don't care. I guess a lot of reviewers on this site do…I think it's unprofessional…no, it's cowardly. They just don't want to have a C on it, not even on a curve. Can't upset the fans. I think it might be a directive from the top. I am getting all conspiracy theory on this, now…

So now you buy that Brody is going to be exonerated although you would personally like to see him burn? No, hold on…you think it's a twist and it was Brody although that was not implied, at all. I mean, it was implied at first, but it was Javadi teasing Carrie which he then admitted. I think Javadi was honest about

Just trying to help you for next time. =)

Brody's "terrorist attack" was a personal vendetta. The blast would have been contained within the bunker and no "innocents" would have been hurt. I admit, that one's view on what defines a terrorist attack is not clear-cut:

You almost got me.