
As I said, I gave up, turned it off and didn't look back until last year when I semi-binge-watched all 3 previous seasons, because the reception was so obviously positive around both here and TWOP that it had to be just that good.

Hm, strange how anyaroses is missing this week…

I think that might just be the Order keeping itself relevant.

Hold your high horses, Scott.

I agree on most of your points. I am definitely enjoying this. The only part I really don't like is Renfield's exposition. I was fairly certain that he would come in and explain to us Dracula's motivation behind re-uniting Mina and Jonathan. His scene with Jonathan with good, though.

I love how somebody on here doesn't like facts. If it wasn't a misclick.
We even saw this vampire and Jayne together in her basement before.

Instead it was implied that he used to be intimate with the…tip of his…staff.
Yeah, definitely Disney behind this.

I only saw that first episode with Hansel and Gretel and it was…unspeakable horror. One of the most boring episodes of television I can remember.

Just be warned that the pilot is pretty hard to swallow. Originally, I turned it off after not even half of it. Makes it look like it would be "that kind of show", but then…the fun begins. One of the most addictive shows out there.

Yes, you could say that it's an unwilling partner, as I think the Augustine vampire is Maxfield's Hyde.

Human/Vampire Elena and Human/Vampire Katherine are the same person! They shouldn't be that much different.

Of course it doesn't mean anything at this point. This article is more than 2 years old! Back in the day "seminal" and "mercurial" topped the charts.

Yes, the "Iranians".

Arguably, he said that because they are both Witnesses from completely different times.

I still think that Emma Rigby is giving a great performance, that's only getting better the more shades she can portray.
They did tone down the lips noticeably, I would say. Different color, more red, less gloss.

I loved the progression of flashbacks getting less obvious from one to the next.

Jafar has two genies in bottles he stares at while zoning out of a flashback. Plus Cyrus in the cage with no bottle, yet.

Nah, I don't think you understand how implication works, sorry.

That boy may be a better actor than Naveen Andrews?
Although I did like him in this episode. The delivery of the "You go back in your bottle where you belong." line was very interesting.

I love the way Sophie Lowe delivers every line.