
You must be joking about SPN. Mountains of slash fiction would disagree with you.

3. Wikipedia quote on Augustine of Hippo: "Augustine also does not envision original sin as originating structural changes in the universe, and even suggests that the bodies of Adam and Eve were already created mortal before the Fall."

In the previous episode, when Elena asked him "Where is Mr. Hyde?" he responds with "I don't know. I am not responsible for my darker half."

That sentence was incomplete…try this:
"What's with Silas telling Damon that he would understand why Elena insults the image of Amara if he were ever in love with somebody who looked exactly like Elena"


Reese doesn't even have a personality order to blame it on.

"Apparently some people can't separate their own IRL morals from a fictional character and just enjoy them for what they are."
I bet a lot of those people can't even separate fact from fiction to begin with. It's freaking Facebook! Or let's say, not like they believe that the show is reality, but that they hate actors

There is something interesting going on with Jennifer Ferrin's roles. From IMDb:

That I knew her from somewhere else (The Cape, apparently, plus some other stuff). Plus, it would have been too boring for POI at this stage.

Are you sure you didn't just click "Reply" on my comment instead of the other person's comment? That would be a weird bug if it placed my name in that reply.

It is clear by now that Hayley is dumber than a bag of bricks. She can't even find the damn milk in the fridge!

The character could be great but the actress playing Cami is terrible. The confession booth scene was one of the most awful, stilted things I have ever seen. Her scene opposite Klaus in which she threatens him (what the hell…this family is quite bossy) was laughable, too. She is even worse than Sophie Deveraux, who is

The previously reminded me of two of the funniest moments ever on this show. Dean screaming like a girl over a cat. The teddy blowing the stuffing out of his head.
Ah, good times!

So this is how I felt last week when it was revealed that Oz exists (ok, it's part of the Fairy World, whatever) and…I guess I forgot all the other canon-damaging things from that horrible episode.

3. This Augustine vampire business sounds like it could be really bad. I don't understand how another vampire is special enough to create a secret society around it.
My theory is that Maxwell is the Augustine vampire, but not all the time (see my thread).

Paul Wesley: "I feel like i'm constantly re-inventing myself."

I get you. While watching I enjoy it until about the last third when I realize how empty all of this shit is these days. And between this and The Originals I am getting rather sick of exposition, no matter how fun it is delivered.

The roomie with Elena and Caroline was killed before Jesse was turned, so he couldn't be the Augustine vampire.

Dobrev needs all her energy for Katherine and now Amara. She needs to be slacking with Elena.
I am coming around to this point of view that Vampire Elena sucks…

You are responding to the wrong person. At least you are quoting the wrong person.