
Isn't it wonderful that we can dislike Elena and love Katherine?
Which means we dislike Dobrev and love Dobrev.
(I don't dislike Elena, by the way.)

No way. Tyler's uprising caused all the hybrids to be unsired and Klaus "had to" kill them. If Klaus forgives that, I might swear off that character. That was his main goal for centuries, after all…

Hold on…does that mean you believe that a Traveler is an immortal being and predates Silas? And that Nadia is not a vampire?
You just made sense of this for me.

…Nadia is not a vampire necessarily? Just…hard to kill and lives very long.

Don't worry, neither can Quetsiyah. That name is totally not annoying to spell, by the way. Love it.

Aaron is more like Uncle John Gilbert.

To be honest, I fell for it. It was such a bad week in tv for me - Supernatural and Revolution crapping all over the canon and being in love with their writing - that I was ready to believe that they made up some story about Katherine through Nadia.
When Katherine referenced this, I was back to smiling even though

I guess I should have known that they would bring Bonnie back. *sigh*
Ok, while we are already at it…bring back Alaric! Matt Davis needs money. I call it: season 5 finale will bring back Alaric along with Bonnie.

Ouch…you got downvoted by the one Tyler fan on this board!
Or the one Katherine hater?

Fanwanking Tyler (that sounds weird):
He was hoping to get convinced to stay with Caroline. But after having sex with her a million times (quoting applesticker) it's clear that it won't work. Because only the sex could possibly change his conviction. It's not like he has tried something else, right?
I think I stopped

Only pretending to simply cure him, but also keeping his blood for something else later down the road.

Agreed. But not by much. I have B-. Other than what you said, I enjoy most of the dialog however cliche, JRM is very good, I like Mina and Van Helsing.

3 people with Nielsen boxes are watching Grimm. And Dracula.

Thanks for eloquently appreciating how I took the effort to explain why I despised this episode. Everybody has to love everything, I guess.
I didn't hate anything in season 1, because it wasn't trying to be clever 10 times in the same episode, like this one did.

I don't know what to say, frankly. I expected someone asking how this has not destroyed SPN canon in so many ways, but everyone seems fine. So I am not harping on this, just saying I hated this episode to pieces and by half of it I was ready to turn it off and just forget about it. SPN can do one-offs and alternate

I remember I said in the previous episode that an episode with the Lair is automatically above average.
This episode has ruined the Lair for me. It was the worst episode this show ever had, destroying canon, taking SPN into Oz? What the fuck?? How come nobody hates the shit out of this episode?

No, D- is not too mean.
As of now, I don't even know how to come back from this. At the half-way point I already gave up on this. It was worse than the familiar episode. Like you said, everything was terrible, because it was played straight. We have travelled into an entirely different show with Oz and Flying Monkeys.

The Little Caption That Could.

The Bridge remade into The Tunnel? Haha. Now I wonder what's the story behind that renaming. Also, lots of remakes, apparently.

I just googled it. That's Bron/Broen and…that's apparently The Bridge. Which was recently remade on FX with Diane Kruger in the lead, currently on the AVC which seems to like it a whole lot.