
Everyone makes the comparison between this show and Batman. It's created by a Nolan.

You edited this comment and now it makes less sense than before…
Can you explain what you mean? All I saw was a silly twist that made Watson's friend look shallow. Are you saying the episode was sexist or the opposite? Where does hypocrisy come into play?

Nice catch (or spelling out of the implication above?), but…it was season 2, not season 3 on 24. Still…the two shows are getting more similar, I can see it now.

I know you are probably not replying to me, specifically, but in case you are…personally, I am not comparing to cable dramas. My favorite show of all time is not even a cable drama. It's X-Files. My second-favorite is Buffy. Both shows are famous for (mostly) great mixtures of stand-alones and story arcs.

Paulson was absolutely perfect as Lana Banana, showing a range that wasn't hinted at in season 1. I knew Jessica Lange was awesome, but I had no idea who Paulson was. Judging from her Bloody Face plotline, she would make for one hell of a Final Girl.

Sorry, you said as much. Got confused somehow.

I am not watching any of what you just mentioned.

Did you edit this comment? Because your "partial conclusion" makes it appear as if you didn't catch that there were two POIs, one for each team. But your "essential" clearly notes this distinction. Something smells fishy. ;)

Yes, that must be it. Probably has nothing to do with attacking someone who backed you up for no reason, at all.

Yeah, I think you are safe. You are trying way too hard to achieve the "asshole" part, I doubt you can add the "cynical" any time soon.

Yes, but it's whining, because our opinion diverges from yours? It sounds a bit condescending, so I responded in turn.

What's going on here? I am surprised that nobody calls this episode out on all the lazy hack-work it has done. Really liked this season so far, but this one was worse than most of season 1, even.

Tell me about it, I hated this fake-as-shit episode…

Consistent with what story? That was a hacky ret-con they did there with Monroe. Those scenes could have been replaced with exactly nothing, they were not needed except to manipulate the audience and insult our intelligence.

The guy kept telling her to let it go too often. Sure, he sounds believable and he is in fact concerned about her, but I was dreading this development. After the previous mole I was thinking, if they really want to get stupid right now they make Daddy a mole and they went ahead and did just that in an episode full of

Please tell me you didn't believe that for one second. I was actually laughing my ass off during the injection scene.

I was equally surprised to see the guy act for the first time on this show!

Hey, let's stop watching this show and forever keep believing!

I have seen this movie, but I remember next to nothing about it. Hmm. My movie rating of 6/10 suggests that I didn't like it too much.

The AVC grades shows against itself not against each other. TWOP trashes everything, that's kind of the point. TWOP is all about snark. Except for that Jacob guy, he gives everything an A+. Do you complain about that one?
Yet, in their picture galleries they love just about everything. It's pretty weird.