
Oh, man…liked for this one:
"Calling it now, the next supreme is Misty, thanks to her Vagina of Life (the bayou mud was just a cover up)."

First episode this season that I loved (A- for me). No damn rape, minimal amount of pushing That Message down our throats. Jessica Lange and Angela Bassett are forces of nature. Really digging Young Fiona. More flashbacks, please! I didn't recognise Breckenridge compared to season 1…wow. That opening was awesome. The

Did it bother you or are you pulling my leg? Well, you did like my comment…
The editing was just so weird…Odom shoots, Jason is just standing there with Root together in close-up…nothing happens. Root returns fire in the same shot, cut back to Odom…nothing happens. Jason doesn't even move after being shot at, Root has

There is one thing bothering me about this episode…a lot. Can someone explain to me what the hell Odom shot at when he was standing close to Root and Jason? The editing was obviously trying to make that bullet disappear…

Good old TVD-style infodump…it was enjoyable enough, but outside from our Originals, Marcel and Davina everyone else on this show is not good enough to carry the scene.

I'm usually fairly good at guessing ages, but this…never. Maybe she IS a good actress.

Click your profile and look at your grades (if you have graded something). The AVC puts C+ and below into the "despised" column. It's stupid, but it's probably the reason why some reviewers are reluctant to go for a C.

I don't hate Dana. I hate her storylines. This one went nowhere except for some kind of parallel to Carrie and Brody (I am getting tired of in general…the parallels that tv is so fond of, that is) and most likely the dreaded booby flash thing…

If you put it like that, it doesn't sound like fun, at all…

Hold on a second…you found the storytelling of Forbrydelsen more "boring" than that of The Killing? Is "boring" the right word for what you were trying to say?

Aside from how Lore explained it to you…both have premises that seem unsustainable beyond the first season. Plus, Prison Break was shit beyond its first season. I didn't watch the third.

Pretty much every F on here has that effect on me…although it could well be that Sonia doesn't yet know what an F means on the AVC. Or what we think it means, anyway.

You are at least a little bit sick, aren't you? ;)
Are you a McDermott fan?

As has been pointed out many times on here: Carrie might not have known how she would get implicated. Even if she knew, it's still a different matter when you watch it happen and the game is on. I can easily imagine still being upset about it and even surprised.

Quinn lost points with me when he was acting super-impressed by the Dangling Play as an audience stand-in. He should have said something like "That's nice, but…are you out of your mind??" . Clearly the creators being too much in love with the twist…

That's a future plot point, I bet. Although that wasn't Widow Clarke in the photograph, just saying (again).

More SPOILERS, but you shouldn't be here any more if you worry about that, reader: I'm not convinced that's all Bob Benson wanted. Why did he try so hard to become Joan's BFF? His story is not over.

Someone really wants to make this the soap it was meant to be.

Saul did that. We haven't seen the CIA do anything without his blessing.

Yeah, by which she increased her guilt, because less water for the people. Because of which she had to go off the reservation in order to get more water to drown the guilt.