
Liked for referencing the "source material prejudice" issue that I also don't get.

Yeah well, it was an Immortality Potion, that only makes sense if it lasts forever.

This comment is weird. It sounds as if you haven't realized yet that the first four episodes were mostly pretend and the entire thing was an operation to lure out the "Iranians"?

This software is so fucked up…I just got a notification of your OLD reply to this in which you are asking me if I am talking about Nosferatu. In the meantime you have edited it to this one.

I love how this probably got you a downvote for writing the user name and the fact that in this shitty software you cannot even see that someone of that name responded, if you clicked a link via notification…

EDIT: (is nonsense, Alaric is supernatural in the end)
Probably a bunch of fanwank, but I would think that Jeremy only has a connection to the Other Side For Supernatural Beings (Alaric not being one of those) and only to those who won't "let go" on their own.

I am hoping they can't do spells that last this long.

Yes, I have. The L Word.

Yeah, the "Cat got your tongue?" was the obvious hint to the cause of his silence. If you think about it…doesn't really make sense that she would make that joke, as they are both well aware of the situation. Although possibly in rememberance of the past.

It's funny how they ripped off the novel and managed to make that part stick.

Technically, it's Count Orlok not Count Dracula, but it's just the same due to copyright issues. It's a silent movie, but you probably know that, already. I believe it's the very first movie adaptation.

Do we think that the generators run on blood? Who are all these people operating it? If the generator runs on blood…is Dracula holding those guys prisoner or did he sell them some story how they work?

Do you think they will reveal Dracula as Jack the Ripper? Going in I was 99% sure this show would bring him up, but I didn't expect that to happen in the premiere, already…

I say it's going to be the maid whose existence the picture above "spoiled" (she did show up, but I didn't make a note of that, myself). The Grayson's ruined more than one family.

Ah…and the second grave is for…?

You forgot "fat".

Right. That's why it's especially funny to see people criticize the bad Russian accent. I guess that cartoon character she is voicing is supposed to be Russian and that's why they thought that.

I'm cool, man. What the hell, man??

Amnesia plots are lifted from nowhere. If anything, they are lifted from TV Tropes.

Oh yeah, I gotta say, Roerig transforming into the Traveler is much better than Padalecki doing Zeke on Supernatural. I thought Roerig was probably good at his character and nothing else, but I am definitely loving his Gregor so far.