
3. He wasn't a warlock. That counts as progress. Yeah, not really, show.

"You were never a monster" is obviously referring to Stefan himself, not Ripper Stefan who was established as another entity, although you are left wondering whether that's even true and you are probably nudged a little bit to come to the conclusion that no, there's something in Stefan that makes him the Ripper.

I can't see those people on here, though. Are they from the same place that criticizes the amount of kickass female characters on this show?

I had a look at the SPN wikia for "Reaper". They list all the powers and reapers have, like, 20 different powers by now. It's funny to read the description of reapers and they just throw everything in there even if it was only seen once on the show.

You see some deep shit in the provocation-at-face-value type stuff that I am seeing…

By "abuse" you mean "cutting out his tongue"? For some reason I think he is going to that by himself. Getting the vibe that he is worshipping Fiona. He smiled after Madison was raped and that was brought up in conversation, don't remember the details.

No, don't be silly…I was serious. It's better to clarify every instance of what I posted incorrectly. I hope that was it for this one.

I agree with you, but you could turn the tone down a notch.

I honestly get a Pushing Daisies vibe from it in terms of character interaction and partially also from the dialog.

Nah, you are wrong. It's by the Fringe team. I was never expecting bad effects or bad direction. Maybe if you go by concept alone, you might come away thinking that.
I was half-expecting it to be my favorite show this season, anyway.

Not at all. I have seen a little bit of OUAT and what I've seen there looked worse to me than this, because that show didn't seem to be aware of how it came across. For this show I feel they do a better job at self-awareness.

I am disappointed to see how plain this is looking to be. The promos I've seen made it look like it's weird and excentric, with an artsy appeal. False advertising or I am just imagining those promos?
I hear this is by the creator of Carnivale which I haven't seen, but know enough about to know that it was a weird show.

The other comments made by anyaroses might shed light on this.
(None of those is mine, just saying.)

Right, that blonde wig (?) is not great on her. I was also thinking where I had seen her. Stopped watching Merlin after season 1. Which I only regret slightly for the sake of not being able to see more of McGrath.

Yeah, that's the idea of the response I gave to the other thread.

I think Jessica and Mike are getting this wrong somehow which will lead them to take action. Which causes something to happen to Leo which causes Dana to blame them and more nice drama for next season to work out.
Leo's dad was abusive or something "shocking" like that.

I doubt it even registered with them that Bonnie's father was killed. If that was mentioned, I missed it. That would be strange, indeed.

Thanks for clearing that up…twice!

Argh! Right. I know how I mixed that up…when Aaron died in the premiere I thought maybe Rachel has some of those nanites left to heal him…then switched that around in my brain with what happened in season 1.
That crashes my entire theory. Thank you for clearing that up!

Suicide is the (too obvious for it to happen) implication, but we have seen Dana explain to her mother that she wants to be alive. Unless you believe that was just an empty scene to have her suicide as a "twist"…