
I am getting pretty tired of AHS trying to be provocative. I signed up for this show to see crazy fun, but by now we had 4 rape-type situations (unless you think that taking forcibly from behind was Queenie's plan…) in just 3 episodes…enough, already!

Actually, they used her reaction shot for the laughter scene.
"Ok Angela…get up on that throne. Here's your script. Enjoy."

This discussion had 666 comments before I went ahead and ruined that, just now.

I had seen Ackles on Smallville and he was horrible on it as a character. Perhaps not bad as an actor. I don't remember. He was extremely boring to me. So when I saw that SPN had Ackles I thought the worst. Well, see how that turned around.

Yeah. Thanks for restoring my sanity. This person misses and misinterprets things as part of the gimmick, perhaps…

Indeed. Does this page show "Original Sin" for you, as well? That could explain why it's acting strangely.

3. What didn't work about the 5 seconds you saw them together on screen, pray tell?

So…did I appear as "Guest" to you?
There might be something going on. Earlier today I lost a message in Disqus. Just disappeared while I was writing.

I'll go ahead and say it, I loved this, too. Although I expected it to continue at least a bit in the vein of that fantastic opening scene.

In case I appear as "Guest" to you…it's me, Brax.
Are you two people, by the way? Him and her?

Elena can't help herself. They are doppelgangers, remember? Even if they weren't…imagine your past flame acts like you just met. I didn't find that illogical, at all. By nature it's going to look like fanfiction, but with all that we know about those two it makes sense on every level.

Just don't give a shit about downvotes. Thankfully they are not putting the upvotes down, that's something Disqus got right.

What CarrieAnn said. It's not fanwank, it's a reasonable explanation. It's also the reason why Delena didn't tell him about them.

That's symptomatic of the main audience wanting something to turn off the brain instead of turning it on…

Well, I knew right away it was her, because she didn't seem shocked, at all. Sherlock said "You are shocked, I know…" and I said "No! She reacts way too calm, don't you see that?" .
I couldn't believe that neither Sherlock nor Joan noticed that. Possibly just a bad actress to blame…

Well, next to nothing has informed who she is today. It was an abrupt career change. She redefined herself. There are a few skills from her old life that help her now and that's all been explained or it is easy to infer. You are looking for something special which I don't think exists.

But see, this is exactly the kind of episode that will drive ratings up with the general audience…as Midnight seems to confirm.

Welcome to the world of stereotypes!
You will never get rid of that. I'd bet that every country has it. Especially when they were once the biggest enemies.
Like Germans are always Nazis and how can you blame anyone for using that, everyone immediately knows what it's about and can enjoy the hate. That doesn't mean that

Elementary is getting too good in general, this can't be a B. We might as well rule out everything below a B if this gets better than C. Review says it all, I think it's spot-on.

It is interesting how you got 21 likes, but in 58 community grades the result is a C+. This must mean you got ALL the likes you can possibly get.