
I don't remember any of that…have I been compelled??

Yeah, about that…did we ever see them do this before? Are they telepathic? It was more than that, though…although possibly that dream-like thing was just for visual purposes.

Yeah well, I don't see a reason why Jeremy couldn't use it. I spoke too soon.

It was more about the "completely" than the "evil". Sorry that you are getting the "heat", but I constantly read comments on here in which "evil" is prefaced by something like "unrelenting" or "true" and to me that only applies if the evil is entirely senseless, serves nothing, not even the own interests beyond

You are pretty? We have to take your word for that…

Ah, right…it's not ret-conned and it's not bullshit. Only Originals and Alaric used the dagger.

Do you remember when they said the dagger only works if it's used by a human?
I don't recall if that was ret-conned or just bullshit from someone.

I think Tonkin is fine, but gets dumb material, so far.

I still don't like Cami. I think I never will unless she starts doing something. Even then, I can't get behind that actress.

Yeah, Hayley's plot was stupid and she continues to get the Idiot Ball. Also, I could have bet money on the doctor being a white person "out on the bayou".

Did your comment disappear, too??
Maybe it's just this particular "discussion". I am used to messing up and losing my comments, but if it happens for no apparent reason, it's beyond annoying.

Well, you haven't watched TVD. Hayley helped someone in a pretty huge way which required a lot of willpower and strength.

Wow…Disqus just deleted my entire comment for no reason. It simply disappeared. I didn't crash, log out or even go back a page…just GONE. *sigh*

Why would he see her as his friend? There was nothing in any of the episodes, including the backdoor pilot, that suggests they built a friendship. It's an instant infatuation. Not quite love at first sight, but it can't go far beyond her looks and that he has been around for a long time thus he is probably quite good

The exposition is looking more and more like a gimmick…

Yeah, half of which they brought about in the first place.

Well, that doesn't fill me with confidence in regards to the Tomorrow People if it appears that he already wants out of that one…I have put that on hold, anyway.

The hell? :-P

I think Freelance Reapers are less powerful than the real deal. It's best not to think about it, because Freelance Reapers are bullshit.

Oh…that explains a lot. I was wondering why Penikett was so strange…