
April wasn't a human to begin with…I thought. Honestly, I am not sure any more. That would mean they employed both the creepiness AND the lame twist in this episode. Ugh. That would be much worse than it already was.

I think Eric described this perfectly. There wasn't a good option, here. The twist was lazy and having a human take advantage of a homeless person would have been icky. Still, I would have preferred the latter, just to surprise me…

Cas was the Black Sheep In Heaven from day one. I believe he was kept out-of-the-loop because he was "special" (I am saying he was bullied, I guess). The other Angels are likely studying humans more closely than he is, if only to infiltrate them easier.

I'd say, it was the opposite for me. That scene sounded more like an apology for being disrespectful to Christianity. At the same time I never believed it means that they would now start a 180 degree turn. How did you fear that happening? Angels are the biggest dicks on this show, arguably worse than Leviathans who

Ok, I am beginning to understand why I didn't like this episode very much. I don't pay attention to these details. I probably should. I wouldn't want to know before watching, though…that seems to influence judgment a bit too much, it's sort of a spoiler.

In your actual experience? Tell us more, please.

Try it yourself. Act lively and then snap into motionless. It's easy. There is nothing to it. Padalecki uses extremely jarring posture change to indicate that Zeke is in control. It's a noticable change, but that's just what it will look like if you do it. I fail to see how that's well done, I really do.

This was an excellent review that I can fully agree on.

More like the Nanite God. If I understand correctly, Aaron "provided" the code that was used for all sorts of controls in The Tower and possibly the nanites themselves.

And nobody said "it's the greatest series in the world" or it's an "attempt at cable drama". You are inventing points to defend that were never brought up in the first place. It's the closest to troll-ish I have seen on these boards.

To be fair, in P&R's case that was just six half-hours and not 24 full-hours…

The downvotes you got should tell you something.
(I didn't downvote you.)

It feels genuinely serialized this season. As is most often the case, there are still self-contained storylines, but they are ALL related to the main plot and a lot harder to distinguish as standalones. There are no easily identifiable Missions of the Week, no morality tales and such.

No, he is not a good actor. He can play Sam very fine, I enjoy that very much. That's his character. But that's about it. He plays Zeke almost the same way he played Soulless Sam.

It was necessary to establish how the two lovebirds met, to introduce Mr. Abusive Plot Device and to set the latter on fire to establish that, no, Aaron's powers have nothing to do with being resurrected. In fact, it's likely that Aaron is kept alive because of his powers.
[EDIT FOR BEING BULLSHIT: I guess that's the

Someone already said the exact same thing. Let me answer differently.
It's like Religious Education. Electricity is Jesus. Electronics are the miracles. Which means the kids would now get their lessons from God.

Why do schools teach Latin?
Sure, in some professions you can use the terms, but when will you EVER need to be able to read an entire sentence let alone a whole book?

"I don't get the hate for this show (it might have something to do with the fact that I pretty much started watching in earnest this season, pretty much eschewed the first season)."
It might.

I am really not sure if I missed something or where you are getting all this (I haven't seen the latest episode, mind you), but all that was said is that "nature creates balance" in the way that it creates copies which die to make up for Imara and Silas not dying…and that those are naturally drawn to each other.

No, I am telling you to stop comparing, because that's how it works on here. It was advice, but I can see how it came off as harsh, especially with the follow-up sentence which was supposed to reflect my personal opinion, but strikes much of the same tone.
And that's how the internet works. =D