
I buy it, but I don't like it all that much. Or maybe I do. I am conflicted, dammit! There are many misdirects that fortunately can be blamed on Carrie's condition. It's too easy and manipulative for my taste.

They simply ripped off some other show, right down to the exact season. There are several parallels this season has with the season of that other show which shall not be named, because I am a spoilerphobe and I have to do unto others as I would have them do to me. But chances are that you know what I mean.

But she looks them.

Then you must have missed every single previous review.

How is this inhuman? She is financially ruined, personally almost ruined. All of her "friends" don't like her, as she is well aware. The plan was true to her character. Don't forget that Patrick whispered into her ear that she should fend for herself.

I don't see your point, at all. Jack is "conflicted", sure. The reason he "wants to help" now is because Emily has something concrete on Conrad who he wants if not dead than at least behind bars or ruined. That's why he's jackmailing her. I understand his point of view.

What do you mean? Blasphemy! Emily Van Camp is a worthy adversary!

"literally"? *sigh*

Sometimes?? It seems like this is happening a lot, lately. There was one on Sleepy Hollow two weeks ago. Oh yeah, and…that's the end of my hyperbolic outrage.

So I just read the first paragraph of the very last review Zack has done for SPN and found this:
"After what could charitably be described as an uneven season, Supernatural managed to rebound with its final two episodes"

I also got misty-eyed in the Michonne scene. The problem was that they couldn't just leave it at that. They had to make Beth spell out that Michonne probably lost a child.

Supposedly the same thing happened with Zack and Supernatural. The reviews started to get pissy and then they switched to Pissy Nugent to start it all over again. (Not my nickname for PDN.)

I felt more sympathy for the pigs than for the guy who was stabbed un-undead by Carol in front of his children, specifically.

Because they love hyperbole.

All of the above, especially about the villain.

Of course, resident cynic-but-can't-let-my-grades-own-up-to-it Zack thinks that was merely symbolism to hit us over the head with and not, you know, specifically logical character development for Carol. It makes more sense than anything else in the show, what she's doing.

This is what I told everyone back in season 2. She is going to cry a lot and you will find her annoying for that. But afterwards she is going to be badass and you will love her.

Why is that insane? She was her handmaiden, after all. Then again, she claimed Silas was her true love.

See, that's why I didn't watch Breaking Bad

Should he just plain say "I think you were set up." or "I think you killed him.", instead? I don't see how that is better. I for one like it when he does that, most of the time adding his Britishness in the process.