
Hmm…ok, I'm extrapolating, I guess. He told Stefan a thousand times to turn it off early on so I thought that's what he had done. But maybe he just knew that Stefan couldn't deal with it otherwise while Damon himself kept it off.

And even if that were not the case, dopplegangers could be created inifinitely down the line as soon as the original cheats death. Unless I missed another one of those arbitrary rules.

Or maybe you just make this more complicated than it is. I can't be sure, but I heard Quetsiyah saying that dopplegangers are doomed to fall in love. That means any version of Elena and any version of Stefan could match.
Whenever a "better" version of either doppleganger comes along, they are drawn to that one instead

You are wrong, I think. Damon turned it off pretty recently.
Well, or you could argue that the on/off switch is a bunch of crap to begin with. Like a children's tale that the younger vampires believe in. Sort of like the Sun And Moon Curse version that the werewolves bought.

Then again, TVD has never done that black-and-white thing for Klaus in the first place, which I tried to argue in various discussions.

He gets what he deserves. The guy was never a great actor compared to most of the rest of the cast of the show you are spoil/referencing.
(I did not downvote you.)

I only wanted to watch this because of her and I will keep watching because of her since she is pretty much perfectly balanced. She switches from serious to goofy to sweet with ease.
However, I do enjoy the rest of it, as of now. Bad effects or no.

I will go on record and say that I also enjoy the Red Queen. But Jafar doesn't do much for me.

And how did Alice know that Jafar would be there? She sure prenteded like she knew he's show up. I'd appreciate if you explained that to me…

I am assuming you meant to say "witch" up there? Not that it doesn't fit…

I remember that Damon said that he tried to cut Elijah with an axe, but it bounced right off, so he set him on fire…that last part at least happened on-screen, right?
Maybe just in my dreams.

I guess OUATW didn't hold your attention for too long, either?

They didn't just replace the Originals. That Silas and Quetsiyah pre-dated them has been known since early last season or whenever all that started. Plus, werewolves clearly existed prior to vampires so they were never the first supernatural beings…since witches count to that as well.

Of course Bonnie is related to Quetsiyah. They are both witches. And black (that was redundant information). That's established TVD logic!

4. Looking forward to all the beautiful exposition we will get! No, really! Hurley-type summaries of entire seasons.

Season 8 plotline, for sure!

There's two different kinds of logic to get hung up on. The first is general-flavor real life type of logic. The second is internal show logic. If you watch this, you should not worry about the first, ever…

I was just thinking, what the hell..Tatiana Maslany is part of this, too? I forgot all about that first Petrova…

As far as I know, White Oak Stakes only work against Originals, not Immortals in general? Not sure if that was ever brought up.

Let's theorize some more! (If you don't do spoilers.)