
Well, dopplegangers are created as soon as an original becomes immortal. Doesn't mean the originals then can't "die". This plays out in the future, as a course-correction by the universe type of thing. Or whatever, the rules are not clear. Plus, fits with theories discussed in the upper level that Imara is not dead.

That's exactly what bothered me in this episode…that it was all exposition for something I expected since the first episode this season (I actually did not get that Silas was Stefan's original at the end of last year's finale…I didn't think about that, show was done for the year, thought he was impersonating him).

Matt looked like that once waaaay back in the first episodes of TVD. Or so I remember, at least. He clashed with Stefan at first, didn't he?

So do I and when I saw her I laughed and knew right away she was Quetsiyah and thought "Awesome!", but this episode was balls-to-the-wall exposition that I don't remember ever seeing on even this show. Quetsiyah explained her entire character. Talk about self-awareness? Well, at least she's honest…eventually. Still,

Oh, it probably is. I am on Chrome.

With the multi-classes. It can't do the line breaks with the slashes involved, I guess.

How was the actress dreadful? I have an idea why you thought that. She acted as a character opposed to Reese in that scene in which he handed her the gun. I was thinking, "Damn Reese…she is a lousy liar right now, because she is too nervous…I can see that from here!" . I don't appreciate how dumb this episode made

Just like you we're, supposedly? Let me test this downvote thingy…

Damn…now that you say it like that, I see it, too. I was rolling with the episode, not really registering how profoundly stupid it all is. I don't really want to think about these things in the 9th season…but it can't be avoided. This made almost no sense at all in retrospect.

Wow…now it looks like I simply repeated what you said. But I didn't see any of this…
What really happened: I got a notification for nigeltde's response and it took me to this discussion. However, I could only see that response and not any responses to that response. I figure Disqus saves this as snapshots of the exact

I entertained that thought. I had one of the kids pegged right after that. Yeah, even before just the wife. That seems so plain.

I know you're not really doing it, but let's not get mad at Scandal. I heard it's a good show. I am getting mighty curious about it.

Honestly, in the scene with him throwing hoops I was thinking, "That sounds a little stiff.", but I also liked the interrogation scene in contrast.

It's not just about ratings dropping. It's about what is expected in that specific timeslot, if it holds the audience of the show in front of it, whether or not that audience is the target group and what have you. I don't know the details, but just ratings dropping on their own does not mean it's doomed.

"I would probably give this episode a B+"
Why "probably"? Do it! So have I.

"(He might say she was his first 'killer' but it's clearly apparent that in many ways, she was his first love as well.)"
Joan non-too-subtly implied that by saying, "She was your first? Killer, I mean" .

I couldn't figure out that I had seen Benanti on The Playboy Club…all two episodes I watched of that…and which existed?
On that show she played the aging bunny and here she looks younger and is so different that I still don't make that connection even after learning about it. That woman can act!

Ha! I knew it! See, this was in the works for some time. As early as episode 14 last season, so right after the initial order of episodes. It's not a new development, at all.

You are a spoiler machine. I must avoid you at all costs.

You are breaking NuDisqus. =/