
Stu is another main character from The Last Stand. Is that what you are asking?

Downvoter didn't get the sarcasm, I guess.

No, you are not wondering. Ken insinuated it pretty hard. Not that he would necessarily know enough about it, but I think that might be an instance of the writers giving their minor character a bit too much of their own voice.

Rather, he's gotten all the cheat codes. Or just plain God Mode.

Charlie (or Tracy, I guess) is super-self-aware as of late. As I posted last week or something, she had a line saying to him, "Did it ever occur to you that you suck at your job?" .

"it is a markedly more interesting and better done show now… precisely because it has gone kinda bonkers."
You're welcome.
Not that I think it necessarily has become weirder. The nanites healed Aaron's leg in season 1. Honestly, I see them going with this progression from season 1 to season 2 from the halfway point

"there was that one lady when Aaron and Rachel were off to the tower that had that remote that could make them set things on fire."
Are you talking about Grace? Rachel's colleague/friend who was kept inside the Tower by Russell? And you are not confusing that with her statement that the nanites will "set the world on

I'll say it again, I see the first season as an intro to a console RPG.
You know, the ones in which you get a taste of all the powerful endgame stuff from towards the end of the game, either through your character(s) or some NPC. Then your characters gets knocked down to level 1 or perspective simply changes to your

This actually had me wondering if Rachel was "dead" and would be returned in the same way Aaron had been.
It was also reminiscent of cold opens on Lost.

I want to explain how I see Klaus. I just don't think that he is evil incarnate. I don't remember him killing for fun any more than your regular vampire. Which is my definition of purest evil.

"b) if Tracey was using her sex appeal as part of her hunter repertoire, to catch that one vamp, why didn't she change after, into actual practical clothes, in the period of time between killing the vamp and being taken?"

What did you find there? I don't see anything.

"Also, I think Reese dumped the rapist in a south american prison?"
Oh, I can see where he thought that would be going…

Complete cock? I don't think so. I saw him as more deranged rather than evil-minded.

Yeah, "who got in his way" are the keywords. But before I justify any of this, I really need to get my facts straight. I don't remember the specifics of that.

I am not sure he was aware that Katy could seriously threaten Marcel. Davina seemed surprised, herself.

To be honest, in an unrealistic show like this one I don't care who is good and who is bad as long as they entertain me and don't kill too many people that entertain me.
Maybe not even in a realistic drama…

According to IMDb Trevino has nothing going on. Apparently he is going to return this season. Either way, it makes sense in terms of the plot. Klaus drove him out of Mystic Falls and Tyler is currently "busy" with doing something, I didn't really catch what it was and I doubt it matters.

Damn…really? This is not my week. I am becoming the most unreliable narrator around here. I give Klaus too much credit in the details, it would seem…

I can tell you what it was. Penikett was instructed to talk real slow…with long pauses…and look like a wooden puppet.
Then Padalecki could easily copy that to make a "perfect" impression.