
"it's no secret that I hate Mark Sheppard and everything he has ever done"
says the person with a gimmick account that nobody has ever seen before.

Like PDN would even bother.

Tracy had no "sexual innuendo dialogue", at all! She was hissing at both Sam and Dean. Someone else said there was no chemistry, yeah well…there shouldn't be any. She doesn't like them going in.
Complete nonsense that she would have changed outfits while being under siege from demons.

I thought it was Kevin Sorbo
Bwahaha, I feel no shame!

Not with my man…he is Kevin Fucking Sorbo!
(EDIT: Uh…Solo. Ok, that's what I heard, but I didn't know who that was. Probably makes a lot more sense than Sorbo…oh, hey, fun fact…if you google "Kevin Solo" you get a picture with Sorbo. Haha.)
The guy was excellent in this episode. I missed him.

"Of course the female hunter is young and sexy and sexualised and kills things through her ability to be sexy. Come on."
Yeah, like Ellen and Jo, right? Oops, no!
Dean has done his fair share of that, too. Sam, as well. You use what you got, it's equal opportunity.

Sorry, but this is just a bunch of bullshit. It's starting to become really annoying around here with the mysoginy-watch. Just as often you see men "slut-shamed" aka blackmailed with affairs or just plain scandals of the sexual kind.

I can see this turn around as you seem to suggest. Sam, once he learns about Zeke, might get addicted to how he makes him feel…inside.

If it were this alone, I would maybe accept it. But clearly, this episode is trying to send the message that ripping off a charity is a worse crime than murder, rape and what have you. This makes no sense if you remember that they once let two people go free that tried to kill each other and even made fun of that

Actually…forget that. He had to act surprised, Marcel was looking at him. For some reason I thought Klaus was looking somewhere else when he made that expression. I guess we are to believe that he planned for all this to happen at some point at least. I still doubt it was obvious from the very start.

Well, as far as hybrids are concerned that Klaus could socialize with. (little retcon right there, I hope you don't mind)
Yeah, Tyler might as well not exist right now.

"features CW’s characteristic bland but competent performances"
That's probably true for most CW shows, I wouldn't know. Shows like TVD and Supernatural do not fit that description, though. I'd consider those shows "great" for what they are. You can't do much better than that, I can't imagine.
The "strain of melancholy"

There was that, but there were also many scenes suggesting that there is more to Klaus.
Saying that Damon had to fight worse is not even entirely truthful. For a while Damon killed just because he liked it or at least because it was easier than dealing with his problems…with zero agenda behind that.
I don't recall

Klaus had centuries of practice. He seems pretty easy to anger, even if he controls it well, you can still see it in Morgan's acting. He is ambitious, but it must have started somewhere with the urge and it got worse.

That's kind of the joke with him. He is a Grayson. He is everything all at once, he is still relatively young and could go either way, but the damage is done so his destination is probably somewhere down.

Meh, it was a logical conclusion, anyway. It's not saying much. Klaus was the main character this episode, again. And yes, Holt is not a good narrator.

I am indifferent about pagination. It never helped me in any way. You shouldn't read pages worth of comments, usually. Then again, I finally enabled email notifications for new comments and I am currently browsing through all of them…the addiction just got worse!

"I still couldn't suppress an eye role when Abby finds herself at the ecumenical chapel looking for a sign, but I then again maybe it's a good question to ask where God is in the middle of all these happenings."
For these particular creators it's likely a reference to the Fringe episode "White Tulip".

Oh, holy shit…I didn't notice that about your avatar! I was unfamiliar with that particular optical illusion or ambivalence or whatever thingy. Cool.

Unlikely? Arguably the Evan Peters character in season 2 was the most "good" person of the main cast.