
Same here. The original Ruby was Katie Cassidy and I loved her. I couldn't stand Ruby2. Didn't like her tough act. That's Padalecki's wife, by the way.

Ah…another one of those in which I post something, not reasonably sure it's correct and almost certain it isn't, because I was too lazy to check…and to think The Leviathan was my favorite episode of the season. At least I remember it that way. And we know what that is worth…oh, well.
It was both about robberies of a

I have seen the entirety of all of these shows you just mentioned. Any further ideas?

Maybe he will be more along the lines of Walternate. That was his voice on the phone with the Hessian, wasn't it?

Oops, I walked right into that…teaches me to post uninformed.
Yeah well, I mostly listened to her live on Youtube, what I heard from the album sounds all overproduced. It was a phase I have grown out of, happens a lot.

Because he had that urge to unlock that other part of him. True, he is a vampire against his will and born a werewolf. Which means he was a werewolf first and it's like he was missing a part of himself. That's a metaphor people can appreciate, I guess.
Unfortunately, the resulting combination is not a good cocktail.

"But based on that limited knowledge of the show, it sounds like every single line of dialogue, of every single scene, is just characters breathlessly reciting more and more bits of arcana, mythology, and what other characters are going to do."
They are not just talking about it, they DO it. They also do a lot of stuff

Being able to compete doesn't mean that you are stronger. Besides, you only got Jeremy's word for it. As hollye said, they were evenly matched. It's not that hard, if you stop thinking in terms of A > B and there being no way to turn that around, ever.

Silas could get into Klaus's head. He can't get into Jeremy's head. Apparently the Hunter's Perk trumps being an Original.

And not just this show…

He never gets tired of telling that to everyone, too.

I find it very hard to define "jumping the shark" on a show like TVD. Yet, I think this is not it. All "makes sense" and might make even more sense if some theories on this board come true.

(stupid new Disqus is logging me out all the time…now my copy-pasted reply is gone, because I used c/p again in the meantime)

Exactly! There were a lot of those in this episode, too. Damon's shrug, Katherine's tongue…uuhm…well, felt like there were more, but I don't remember.

As someone who usually doesn't see a problem with it, I find it annoying at this point, myself. They clearly made the two most powerful witches "white" and the rest of them are "black". By taking the show to New Orleans this is much more noticeable than it used to be on TVD, already.

Firstly, he cares about Marcel.

I am not watching Treme, but the shows are of entirely different genres. All they have in common is the setting.

That seems weird to me, did they really say that?

Just filling in quickly:
1. The Daylight Ring or equivalents are made by witches.
2. Vervain also works (or used to work) without ingestion. Elena early on had an amulet with Vervain in it to stop compulsion.
3. Did they ever establish what happens if you mutilate a vampire? Probably left that one out…

I take it you haven't seen TVD? In that case, it's interesting to see that you are down with this show and you think that it works. I think it can work, even after witnessing all these horrible "people" have done.