
It IS there, but it's in the backdoor pilot that aired on TVD, not the one shot for this show. They had some kind of bonding moment when Cami psycho-analyzed him over a painting or something. It was terrible, though.

Now that explains why another pilot was shot? Or is that unrelated, do you know?

"If it were a full moon, Hayley would be a wolf, too."
For some reason, I thought that she can change at will and that she taught Tyler how to do it. But I think I am confusing that with breaking the sire bond?

SPOILERS for TVD, beware!!

"Klaus was never depicted as an anti-hero or a bad boy with the potential for redemption but a straight force for evil and a threat to everyone and everything around him."
You must have watched a different show than I did. This is you projecting your hatred for the character. It's not what the show implies. It's not a

No, he is not.
He wants to be loved, can't admit it to anyone but the ones he falls in love with. He wants family, kind of. He is capable of acts of kindness that are mostly viewed as serving his interests, but they don't always do, really. Most importantly though, he doesn't kill if it doesn't further his agenda. He

Funny you should say that. I thought that scene was pretentious, especially as delivered by Cami.

I like(d) Lana Del Rey, but this newer song they played is pretty horrible. It really feels like it's a sing-along she made up on the bathroom, then trying to make it sound like her older material. If she even writes her own music, I don't know.

They built up the leads, but they are now worrying about the new viewers so they feel like they have to build them up again in superspeed…it's quite annoying, but it should be over with soon.

I think she is early-seasons Matt.

The exposition in the beginning was rather rough, again. But at least delivered in sort of a humorous way as opposed to the completely boring way prior to this episode. But this has got to stop soon.

That's because it wasn't his plan. He just made that up to look brilliant, again. Did you not see how surprised he looked when Marcel said that he would be giving Elijah back?

Yeah, the "it destroys all things" stuff is not surprising, it being a hybrid like Klaus. I know they are going for something like the Antichrist here, but it's not conveyed all that well.

This episode was like I imagined the show. The Originals (well, Klaus and Rebekah) being who they are without any of that exposition-and-premise-setting blah-dee-blah of the past episode and the two pilots. No moral center, (yet).

Yeah, this was much more like it.

I had a feeling you would say that.

Trolls seem very hard to find on these boards. I don't really understand why that is. I suspected some kind of censorship at first, but if there is one, they do a very good job with it, I wouldn't notice.

Interesting…you know, I have a theory in which Moloch possibly could be a "good" guy. Then again, the Witnesses can't be bad guys in this scenario.

Read again, I was talking about Morales, as in "sleeper agent". It makes no sense that he is acting clueless to himself.

To be fair, I only called that Aiden wasn't going "bad". I said that I believe Emily not to be in on it. Well, that was partially true.