
I don't think I get that joke unless it's literally and then it's a bad one…sorry!
If it's not a joke then I don't see the "most definitely".

I thought they were called Witnesses, because they witnessed Moloch? Which means that Jenny would be the second witness, not Ichabod. Which I think is the case, anyway. But so does everyone else.

I am pretty sure you are dead-wrong on both of it. If anything this episode seemed to tell me that it's exactly what they won't do. At least not for real. There's always the option to fake it, I guess…

"gangsters who would facilitate pedophilia"
Wait…where did you get that from? The kid assisting the doc? That guy creeps me out, I have to say.

Damn, I was trying to remember the entire episode where I had seen her…I didn't figure it out and had to look it up. That was galaxies of difference between dirty and clean… (aka she's hot)

Because Morgan was all about isolating himself from the outside world. He was a single person. The prison is occupied by a whole town worth of people right now who have to go outside time and again. It's not exactly practical to create a maze in front of the exit, is it?

I will admit I thought something like that at first. It's a subtle attempt to show the close relation between a human being holding onto their last bits of humanity on the one hand and a zombie on the other hand.

Rick didn't kill her, because they both were Walkers and he (rather stupidly) thought they will be together that way and two zombies more are not going to make a difference.

The water is infected, Patrick got knocked out, fell on his head and died from that. I don't believe the infection is killing you right away so fast.

He was shaking Daryl's hand…uh-oh!

"I was more excited to see moaning monsters and calamity than any of the recurring characters. I’m not interested in them, I’m interested in what happens to them, and that’s a shaky foundation to build a show on."
Foundation…in it's 4th season? Yeah, right.

Yeah, but Moloch is practically the devil and presumably has connections to pretty much everything evil. There is no reason that we are stuck with just the Horsemen forever. The previous episode almost released a ton of demons into our world. In fact, I was half-expecting that to happen and I am kind of sad it didn't.

"Mison is good with physical comedy and Beharie is good with reactions so to have them just walking and talking didn't feel as interesting I guess?"
I think you nailed it for each of their strengths. I also feel like they can't do the witty banter very well without looking at each other. Not yet, anyway.

You just know that the Illuminati are going to figure into this at some point. Hopefully they leave angels out of this one.

John Noble guesting never feels redundant.

Don't worry. Sooner or later almost nobody will still be watching this show, because it's too heavy on serialization. Then they will stop caring about catching up people outside of the (hard)core group.

Katrina being dead is probably - but not necessarily - implied. Her soul is taken captive. I think the issue is that Katrina doesn't know why she would be stuck in Purgatory and not go straight to Heaven or however it works. The fate of her soul is undecided and as a "good" witch she can't imagine why.

I felt like they were trying to establish a parallel to the Roanoke story and Katrina.

I doubt they will sustain that. The Horsemen are our gateway drug to this show. We already moved on to Moloch somewhat. Later on they will have little significance as villains and the show will give us backstory on their past as humans, turning them into "good guys" more or less.

I don't remember, but didn't Angel have subtitles like this from time to time?