
You stole that joke from last week's comments!

Morales as a concept I am ok with, but his lines are on-the-nose. Irving's constant reminders of his history with Abby are worse, though.

Damn, and here I thought you were a sexist lesbian!

See above, it's exactly because the guy said it that it won't happen and it's actually that guy who's this show's variation of the endlessly tired mole trope.

Morales is cluless (just like Abby said). Why else would he make those calls? Do you think he's a sleeper?
I am with you on the other guy. It's just way too obvious…
I thought Irving was hiding something, but then that guy practically told us to think that, which makes him suspicious.

This bored me to be honest. It was just all procedural business in the second half, the twist was very easy to call and there suddenly was no humor, which hurts the show.
The first half was promising, though.

What? Only 13 episodes?? Where did you hear that? It's unheard of (that sounded stupid). Then this one was even worse than it should be. Can't believe what expectations I am already setting up…

I also was going to be impressed with the kid speaking Middle English, if it was accurate enough, which it turned out to be, I guess.

I am just enjoying this new reply-and-get-replied-to-and-get-notified-ad-inifinitum thing, it's wonderful. Don't mind me. But this has played out, I agree. Haven't seen the latest episode, yet.

I remember that during later episodes, not sure about the earlier ones. They even worked snow into the plot, once ("The Leviathan").

The profile is still there. No idea what this article was talking about…

AltLivia wasn't that much different. The "new" Olivia wasn't that much different which is why it wasn't a problem to accept that she was not the "old" Olivia. You could argue that their lack of distinguishable features and behavior patterns was a good excuse for not trying too hard.

I can see every conversation, but not other people on this one. It seems that you now have a "reply" button in the innermost nesting which probably means that you get notifications…yay! I am not hating this. Still, the old one looked much nicer.

Ah, I see, you are the one responsible for this Disqus change!

She doesn't show off, the camera does.

Say, why do you think that about the case? Did it smell funny to you, too? Like they were trying really hard to make Kleinfelter into a bad guy which made absolutely no sense at all except for, you know, agenda?

It's funny, because while I was listening I was thinking, "This accent sounds quite bad, but I would bet money that's actually how the guy speaks." and lo and behold, that's indeed the case. The guy is from Belgium. Fact is often funnier than fiction, they say…

It didn't take sides? I would say this episode had a distractingly big agenda.

I am ashamed to say that I almost read all of it before I caught on…

Yeah, Sayid (well, Naveen Andrews) wasn't exactly versatile. Not sure that's an unpopular opinion? Also suspect that this show will do nothing to change that. To the contrary…