
I thought the cheapness of most of the effects was already evident from the trailer. It was all about Sophie Lowe for me, though.

Yeah, except for how GOT is cable and you are comparing it to network television.

I haven't watched OUAT in a long time. Still, it's obvious to me that Wonderland is trying for the same vibe that show has (being a spin-off and all that, tough guess). That said, the CGI is every bit as bad, probably worse, than what I've seen on that show.
However, the camp is intentional and there is nobody truly

That doesn't appear a bit too obvious to you?
It would also make little sense for her to manipulate the car before even being upset enough. You could argue that she's always hating Conrad enough to do it, but yeah, come on…

Well, the guy is British.

I called it in the premiere. You can go check. I'll wait here.

Personally, I believe that the grades are accurate (and not just because I agree with him this time), but Todd once came up with the excuse of them being jokes, because he didn't want to admit that this show was able to produce compelling television which he genuinely enjoyed unironically. 
It's time to drop that

Except that you can't, because Demian has moved on for a whole year, already. And to think the guy was a big fan of the show when it started…that turned around completely.

But the meteor shower was shown to be global so the reviewer was wrong about that, anyway.

Yes, you indeed missed an entire scene of Dean having a "conversation" with Crowley in the trunk.

I honestly didn't think he was all that pissy about it. But he was inaccurate about a lot of things, which he generally seems to be, though. Even on POI - a show he makes no secret of loving - things often pass him by and thus his articles have been devolved into recaps, lately.

Yes, Disqus will sometimes put the reply you got a notification for on top of the page, even mixing it with a different thread…it's quite weird. I suppose it happens for the inner-most nesting. Never occurred to me that there might be a "reply" button there when that happens. I guess you can cheat in Disqus that

Sorry, but I am not used to that level of commentary on these boards. That's how they play the game on the rest of the internet. I can see how I might have offended you enough to resort to insults. Although I wouldn't judge if you thought all the rough stuff was sufficiently over-the-top to be entertaining, I didn't

@avclub-6aca1a1659edc2d96cabe628f44d0f7e:disqus Do you know that she has been in a show as a lesbian, already? With the mother from Terra Nova?

You can't click "reply" on my comment, because we are in the innermost nesting on Disqus. And yet…you did it again. I got a notification for your reply which is technically replying to yourself…so did you get one for your own comment, too?

Does having no profile mean no history for grading, too? That would suck. I grade mostly for my own sake.

@avclub-0d04659047f95a243e71c97e64ae4812:disqus  You should get a notification whenever your name is used in a comment (you have to configure Disqus for this, first). Apparently that doesn't apply to using your name in a tag…

I don't know how you do it, but these boards rarely ever have a comment that I would even consider stupid, let alone worthy of a flag. I would never use downvote, anyway.

Yes, it was at the very end of the episode.

Does your definition of "boring" imply "lack of talent"? An actress playing three or four different versions of her character, all of them quite easily separated from each other. I don't find that "boring".
Granted, Tatiana Maslany is more exciting.