
@avclub-7485b644403627612cc11d3e80ffa907:disqus Not quite. It's infamous, because it is a rather difficult meta puzzle which you can get pretty stuck on. However, it's very elaborate, well-designed and flows well with the plot which makes it, yes, famous.

It was a real response. This episode wasn't particularly funny to me. I cannot turn both torture AND gang rape into high camp, but judging from your eloquent comeback I have no doubt that you are able to. Enjoy.

You are right, that part you quoted is not a stretch. The analogy to witch hunts might be, though. I should clarify that the reasoning in the former is despicable to me, but it sadly is reality.

No, we haven't extrapolated it, she says herself in "Relevance" that she has Type-A personality disorder (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal). Obviously she is capable of liking someone. 
But she has never met either Carter or Zoe, yet she rather hits it off with them right away, it would seem, although she could simply

*notes all the names of people whose comments he is NOT going to read in the future*

Madison is in post-shock and as evidenced by her bathtub-crying scene she is far from "over it". Though let's not forget that she is a psycho who killed an innocent (if pushy) person before. That wasn't just a control issue as she shows zero remorse for it happening. Maybe that's also denial…

1) Yeah, it's a very educational game, but doesn't play like they usually do. There's some truth in the original Broken Sword to be found, but it goes the Dan Brown route. As does GK3, which is my favorite of the series.
But the closest runner-up to GK1 that I could think of is…GK2. The blend of myth and fact is

Why, Monkey Island, of course! If only one of them, then MI2
Although you can't go wrong with DOTT, either.

That makes a lot of sense. Especially since you are also watching The Originals. Maybe I should replay it, too…

This one could be closer to the first season, than to the second, but that's definitely jumping the gun at this point. 
Also, if you like 2 you probably don't like 1 as much and vice versa.

The third one also had the infamous (in a good way) Le Serpent Rouge and a crazy-awesome plot.

"save for Sarah Paulson, but she has an inherent unlikeability"
Hopefully a typo? 
From context I'd say it was.

I agree on the La La La song. I already want it to die. Then again, if you hated Dominique last season was equally grating for you. Personally, I could have listened to that every other scene and still be amused by it.

That's because it is a C+. (Or was it edited?)

I am happy for you that you started watching this episode in its last 5 minutes and missed the parts with the slaves, the bull head and the rape. Unless you think that shit was hilarious.

Did you really miss the irony of what Zoe did to that jackass at the end of the episode? Because all you seem to spot is that Madison was justified in flipping the bus because of it.

I didn't watch X-Files during its initial run when I was a teenager. To be honest, I loved all of it. Even the later problematic arcs didn't bother me. 
I watched Buffy only a couple years ago.

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus I didn't mind Bellivia as much as some, but it was quite silly. Honestly, don't like to play the competition game. The shows are similar, but also very different. 
Fringe is one of my all-time favorite shows, but looking back at it, SPN was a ton of entertainment, both

No, it wouldn't. 
Maybe fake conspiracy theory?

I meant *this* as a correct translation…