
You totally misunderstood me. By "cartoony" I meant that she is already too relaxed and warming up too fast for it to make sense. If anything, I want her to be more rigid. This episode simply happened too soon.

What is it about that guy? He should be expendable enough by now, but I found myself thinking "You can't kill him, Root…no! Don't do it!"
Well, he trained Shaw. Only she should be allowed to retire him one day.

Like beema says, it's the character. Shahi is a good actress. Watch Life if you don't believe me.

Wait…up there you translated that scene correctly and you are still saying it was an oversight? 
I think this was rather well-done. By the time Reese straight-up threatened him the guy already knew what was coming and didn't seem very surprised.

I thought Jonathan Nolan came up with this show, because he wrote the Batman screenplays? I don't know for sure. Just that Memento was based on his short story.

In another comment it was suggested that she used the reflection in the doc's glasses to aim the shot. Sounds good to me.

I heard it didn't end, yet. Are you in denial?

"So Reese and Zoe are indeed a thing as nonchalantly confirmed by Reese. What joy!"
I couldn't tell by Caviezel's acting alone whether or not he got something with Carter going on, either.

Yeah, but…why would she do that? The writing seems rushed for her. I get it that she has to loosen up like Reese did, but that scene made no sense to me. Let's not forget that Shaw has a personality disorder. Reese does not. It shouldn't be so easy for her to warm up to Joss and Zoe.

It's explained in the sentence following the one where I call the dialog terrible. They keep repeating the same family-first mantra over and over. It's not like we haven't heard it a million times on TVD, already.

It's not possible that you have seen all of Fringe and say that about Torv with a straight face. 
As for your second statement…I would almost agree.

I wonder why PDN is recapping this entire boring case if it was so plain? What happened to writing reviews? *sigh*

Weird, that's where it was best.

Poor Jimmy is just the outermost matryoshka doll these days.

Zero. Unless the entire scene of Ezekiel catching the prayer was a misdirect. You could still be correct about the latter part, of course.

The not-knowing-important-things-you-should-know count of the new reviewer increases to 2.
Slow down!

I just realized that Ezekiel vs Crowley would be a double re-union for the actors involved.

That would play almost as a repeat to that aaaaawful Emilia storyline last season. As I thought that was all in his mind which would actually have improved that one…it's rare that I prefer that gambit over the alternative.

If we have to play this game…Fringe is better. Even if compared only to SPN's first 5 seasons. Hell…season 3 on its own is probably better than SPN.

I think the quirky X-Files one-offs are emulated better by the quirky SPN one-offs.