
Man, a lot of people haven't seen X-Files around here…
(says the one who hasn't watched The Wire AND Breaking Bad)

Yet that's exactly what happened here. Strange how that goes?

You are one of the few being on record for saying that season 6 was awesome…

How do you know who is a fangirl, exactly?

As I've also come around to accept, PDN was missing too many things in an episode, which made it seem as if he wasn't even watching the screen and just listening to audio. Sometimes he is just flat-out doing a recap instead of a review as on POI, recently…make that twice in a row (and he even admits to almost dozing

Careful Mr. New Reviewer…you don't wanna miss things like this so early in the game, already. Unpleasant memories and all that.

Yes, it's refreshing to have a reviewer who overrates this premiere.
Though I understand that you wouldn't want to be hated right off the bat.

Yeah, they are still deep in exposition mode which is boring for us who are watching TVD. Beyond that, the dialog is quite terrible overall. I disliked Rebekah more than Elijah in the pilot for all the talk-talk-talk about family again and again…and some more. 
The flashback-explanation of Klaus' plan is probably

I absolutely think Elijah should come in doses and shouldn't do too much speechifying as he has done in the pilots.
Then again, I am already starting to think that all of the Originals lose effectiveness if they are stars of their own show. I can't seem to join in on the Claire Holt love around here.

It's ok, I sympathize with your wishful thinking.

@avclub-5c6ca78a2f7d9b4db3d3bb67614ffa00:disqus Now you embarass me. I actually didn't think of House…I stopped watching that long before the finale, though.

If next episode starts with a Rebekah speech, you are going to eat your words.

You know, I am one of the last to agree to these observations. 
But damn right! Davina and Sophie are both definitely more white than black and both the most powerful witches. And both annoying the hell out of me.

An opening narration followed by another speech by Marcel which was at first a voiceover.

Your feelings are justified. You disliked her because she was the whiny teenage girl type without any of the humor that would later on make her one of the best supporting characters on TVD.

The Voice on the phone with the Piano Teacher, talking about "Item 37".

@fursa_saida:disqus Yeah, Moloch is probably John.

Wow…second time within an hour that I click on some article about performers I don't really know all that much about, mostly because I never cared for them. Then be reminded of something by something either in there or somewhere else I check out for research, which then turns out has a real connection.

That look reminded me of Sinead O'Connor.

Your definition of "substance" surprises me, I'll give you that. I thought we were talking about substance in relation to television writing.