
It's getting harder and harder to excuse for something that never existed to people like you seeing racism everywhere. Argh, this is tiresome.

How was the partner of Aileen from season 1 a supervillain? It was established that she was the "real" terrorist and he sympathized with her cause due to how they met and became a couple.

I think you are right. I like this reading much better than Saul just being distracted. Especially getting her family to the hearing so they could ruin it sounds clever. I guess that's how Carrie interprets it as well. Of course, if you are right then Carrie is right about the whole thing, too…

This is just a bit too pedantic and not appropriately snarky enough (I am pedantic about snark, you might say). 
For one, it is even perfectly reasonable for Saul to ask in this fashion where Fara *thinks* the funds have disappeared to. Then again, all this Saul drama is very obviously meant to show that Saul is

Don't get me wrong, the reveal would be stupid. I don't like it one bit. Just that none of this premise makes much sense without it, I guess.

I continue to be impressed by Van Camp's portrayal of this character. There are several examples for shows that start out with a "rough" main character and you have basically two options to interpret it. The "boring" way, which is to accept that the actor is growing with the role. Or you could choose to believe that

She's a miniature Victoria. Go figure.

"after eight years of great acting and mostly good narratives"
Come again? No, sorry, I think you were meaning to watch some other show that ran eight seasons and had a terrible finale.

At one point he barely killed anyone for long stretches of time, instead running off on dates finding a mom for his son that he was trying his best not to raise.

You didn't think of this? Huh? Oh, you meant "ugly" metaphorically, then?

And that's precisely why I think that in season 6 it is revealed that David Clarke is still alive and has been a manipulative bastard all along.

When Dexter brought that pen into the cell I actually thought - oh, how naive I am! - that he was going to write a confession and then kill Saxon.

Damn, that actress was the weak link…overacting with the blink-per-second behind the glasses she obviously doesn't need in real life.

I totally read that as related to the cats…anyone?

Would you say this was realistic or is it a shallow understanding of P vs NP? I know that many encryption algorithms are threatened by it, but I'm not really sure if all of them are. I am also not sure how easy it is to fake a timestamp.

That "slip of the mask" is buried anger that is completely understandable for a human being. You don't have to be a schemer to accuse someone you respect - or even love - of something you feel they are to be blamed for, but you would usually hold it back. Not to be less genuine, but simply because things are rarely

It's a "stab in the literal dark". But that just sounds wonky.

Not to brag after the fact, but I expected it to go this way. Simply because that's what I've come to expect from the writing on this show. 
It's impossible for him not to blame Joan, no matter what he says. I do think that he was going to guilt-trip her out of desperation. I think if Joan had said "no" unconditionally

Sherlock had a much better look prior to this when he was walking away from Bell while the latter delivered that line.

That's just total nonsense. Just as Dexter was probably often great for you in its early seasons, Lost could have been as well. A bad ending does NOT ruin the entire show. I still would love early House even though most of the later seasons bordered on shit. Damn, I really HATE that philosophy of tv watching.