
"Magic Native American Used Car Salesman"
Is Magical Mohawk already a trope? At least a subtrope of Magical Negro?

And Nicole Beharie is amazing. Her range of expressions is fascinating. I see in her similar potential I saw in Torv right from the start (although, arguably, her range wasn't evident…it was all in her eyes for me). Maybe I want to see it…no, she's really very good.

Still, you surely realize how hard the show is shipping them? I expect her to cross over to The Originals in season 2 or 3, if those should happen.

Yeah, bring back Originals that got killed. That will go down well with those sitting on the fence about this show.

Right on. I already got bored by Elijah on TVD. I was wishing him to disappear from the screen in the backdoor pilot and - since this is basically the same thing - this pilot. He just sounds silly after a while if he keeps on babbling.

I am confused…wasn't most of this just taken from the backdoor pilot? I seem to remember it that way.

Why the fuck are you posting here, then?

I didn't like her then and I don't like her, now. I think it's her lines, though. Hard to say about the actress.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care all that much about characters being "killable" or not, but that said, it causes problems unrelated to tension. It also changes story possibilities, for instance nobody will even try to kill you if you can't be killed. And if they still do, that's not making much sense.

Maybe I missed it, but…in all that exposition I think it's funny that the n00bs don't know how daggering works?

It was never a Twilight knock-off beyond the premiere. That one I at first turned off and only years after I heard how good this show was I sat through and actually didn't find it even that terrible. Right after that in the second episode it already got interesting beyond what Twilight could hope for.

I just don't understand why those people who are offended by Klaus' actions cannot separate enjoyment factor from morals or whatever it is that makes you (that's not "you" as in OP) hate him so much. I mean, if you don't like the acting, ok. But that doesn't seem to be it. You seem genuinely offended by the character,

You mean both choices we already had in previous seasons? I hope it's something "original". It really doesn't matter how absurd it is, as long as it's not a lazy repeat.

So if Silas and…damn, what was his lover's name? Anyway…if he is after who-knows-how-many-copies eventually Stefan and…whatsherface is Katerina is Elena…does the show make a strong case for Stefan and Elena? Like, fate and shit?

1. Who was your MVP up to now? Ever since season 3 I think I'd go with Wesley. I like Klaus as badass, but his emo side is too hammy.

1. It really looks like they got the two least-intimidating kids they could find for this scene…pretty weird.

It's Wesley's turn? He has been mostly shades of evil for the past two seasons. They just realized that this is his real strength and saved the money and work to cast someone else for Silas.
And I might be fine with that. Although I see it as a cop-out that Silas' true form is…Stefan.

I get tired of Matt constantly dropping his lines about him having to work for a living. That might be the last time he does it, though.

I don't know that Somerhalder has range compared to Wesley who has proven that he can portray everything that he was given equally well (but excels as bad guy). Somerhalder's flashbacks to pre-vampirism are pretty painful to watch. As is "mushy" Damon.
I'd say Somerhalder is very serviceable as regular-flavor Damon,

Pardon me? There is plenty of reasons for straight males to watch the show. If they can get past the preconception that this show is (merely) like Twilight. I am not even talking about just the females on display. Wait. No, that doesn't mean I am talking about the males! 
I mean there's twists and surprise stabbings