
That wasn't Prado's sister, it was his wife.

"It's going to be like the last day of school before we all graduate from a school we hated."
Except that we could have just walked away from this without any consequences if we really hated it that much.

Thanks for explaining the gist of the original comment to us. You would make for a good Dexter Voiceover. Well, ok, it was a bit more subtle.

It qualifies him as a writer for this show. Whatever else they do next, anyway.

I am giving it an unironical B. That's because I am rating for enjoyment and not quality.

While watching this episode and seeing Harrison get shot off the treadmill I was thinking "I need to check the offscreen adventures of Harrison Morgan." and now here I go and see you didn't do anything with that in the next episode (it's previously, so it would be in the next episode's comment section, right?),

Hell, yeah! I hated Lila and I very much like Jaime Murray on Warehouse 13. It was definitely the character.

Bah, if people were really that smart they would have stopped watching this years ago. Read: I am a dumb sack of shit.

There is a pretty damn easy solution for this problem: Just put the name for any and all spoiled shows in front of the review. Make that AVC policy. Can't be that much work. Like this:

I was actually questioning my snark right after I delivered it. I think that quota has been met in various other comments. I didn't mean "minority" in an ethnic sense or something like that. It's just something the majority of the audience won't readily notice and/or care about. I'd much rather have them use their

I don't think he does. He's playing Victoria. Although that seems rather risky…
I didn't hate Aiden (I finally looked that up on IMDb and try to get it right from now on) that much, but I am also not convinced he absolutely had to return.

You spoilerific bastard! You can consider yourself lucky that I just returned from finally ending this before reading your response. I mean, I HAVE to sit through it either way, I can't just quit two episodes before the end. Do you want me to suffer through it all the while already knowing how it ends?

(The_M, I hate this board and its stupid max-3-nesting policy…if only the damn @ would notify the person it's aimed at…sorry you get the notification for this)
@eric827:disqus "Or is he simply revealing that there's a bipolar CIA employee out there, who slept with Brody?"
I don't know, I think it's pretty obvious to the

Carrie could have chosen not to shout out classified information inside a crowded restaurant. She screwed up big time. There's no way to contain any of that.

Do you think Nolan/Mann succeeded?

Emily's revenge plans sort of led to his sister's death? I don't think that's even true. No reason they didn't already fight and make up over before, that's why I don't believe it. 
Oh, and I wonder the same thing about Olivia. Never occurred to me that she knew enough about Emily.

In keeping with the RPG analogy, the first season was one of those introductions to a console RPG in which you briefly get to experience the endgame power level before the game strips you of all that and you start out down at the bottom of the ladder again. It was just a reaaaaally long introduction…

Yeah, I was trying to illustrate how hilariously Ashley's background was written into the show back then.

Not so sure about Aidan's "interesting purpose". I bet he is undercover. I don't think Emily is in on it, though.

Yeah, name in the credits looked familiar, but not until I saw her face I remembered that it was her. I have only watched a couple episodes of that failed show, but Vanasse was easily the best part of it so she is more than welcome here.