
I think the question should rather be, what did she do to herself…

Did you miss that flashback when it was revealed that Ashley was a prostitute (or was it human trafficking? I forget) and Emily bought her into freedom? They were kinda tight, once. Then again, that picture usually wasn't sitting on the coffee table, if that's what you mean.

They are getting rid of basically ALL the storylines from season 2 that played out or never worked. Just sloppily, so. But that's the necessary evil if you need a quick re-tooling of a show, I guess.

His lines in this episode were rather lackluster, though.
"I am Nolan 2.No" 

I liked Emily's Angry Kitty expression when Ashley pulled her claws out.

Yeah, it looks like plots are dropped like crazy. Because this new showrunner wants to go in a different direction. But honestly, it's not like those things haven't served a purpose, already:

Nonsense. B- for interesting directions to go in, but horrible catch-up exposition all the way, sloppy ways to cut off go-nowhere plotlines from the past, twisty melodrama for the audience in Jack vs Emily and an especially stupid cliffhanger line by Aidan. And that's the only correct grade!

That's what I was thinking. That guy was completely shit on Dexter. Easily the worst actor in this generally laughable show that season. Keep in mind I didn't even muster up the strength yet to watch the last two-and-a-half episodes of Dexter…yes, I only watched half of an episode and gave up. Awesome final season.

Thank you for fulfilling the obligatory minority-is-pissed-off-by-factual-errors-in-insignifcant-plot-detail quota for this thread!

Saul was left no choice after Carrie's freakout inside the restaurant. You could say she was the one who moved that dick up her ass.

Comparing Brody to Bin Laden? Is that your synonym for "terrorist"?

Quinn exaggerated, because he didn't want to finish this mission. Saul was hoping for Quinn to fail so that he didn't have to kill 5 more civilians. Everyone was hoping for failure, but the mission was a "success".

What a prick? Try to get his perspective. Carrie's misadventures from an outside view are ridiculous. Anyway, it seems rather obvious that the committee is pushed to put the blame on the CIA. Dar even says so…"They wanna put us out of business."…duh. (That early scene with the talk about throwing Carrie under the bus

Well, Sleepy Hollow has the right elements, because it's Kurtzman and Orci. (I haven't seen it, yet.)

Right, I completely forgot how close the premises are. Regarding what promise this show once had, that ship has sailed years ago.

Yeah, Carrie's boyfriend. How clever of them. Like Jamie's ex last season (introduced the season before that, I believe?) who was set up as a possible killer, but then turned out to be just a psycho wannabe who got whacked by Isaac. "The audience surely won't suspect this guy to be the real deal!"
Well, yeah, writers…I

Apparently they would like to tie this up with a neat bow and fuzzy feelings for all. Either that or it's the tactic in which you make things impossibly devoid of tension only to have everything blow up in the last two episodes. Even then, nothing can excuse the material we are forced to watch until that likely won't

Cassie was cute? I don't know what you are into, though.

No, he is certainly not. It's just that they gave him this shitty plot device (I refuse to call it "role") to play for a few scenes and he doesn't care. I don't even blame him.

Except very slight variations of that happened a half a dozen times, already. Sometimes even twice within the same season. Like…right now.