
No, you know why you like it. Because it's good. That is all.
(One of my laziest comments to-date. Gotta expand…)
Really…don't question why you like something if you do. Clearly, a lot of people agree with you. YMMV on the "green soup" and such. To be honest, some of it makes me laugh. Still, there is lots of build-up

I though the "bus" effect was the one where someone takes a few steps backwards into a road and gets squashed by a bus?
Amazing how many times I've seen that one, already…not only in horror, of course.

Bah, don't remind me that this excellent movie had actual cat scares…

Yeah, although I liked the first half of the movie well enough. Second half was terrible. I don't like it when a horror movie makes me laugh unintentionally and the second half was basically that all the way.

Also to the OP:
So you only go to horror movies to ridicule them or have them ridiculed? See my comment to @avclub-1e98b8abf1ee5fc9a1e44168b7e3e53e:disqus .

Did you never notice before that there are always a few people in the audience who laugh during moments that are strange, unsettling, sad or any number of things which are absolutely not funny, because they feel stupid about being honest to their emotions at that point? Usually happens when they are part of a larger

Sounds just like Insidious to me…starts well, then gets silly. A lot of horror movies fail at introducing a background story of some kind. Insidious is one of the worst offenders I have ever encountered.

Still holding out hope that the same is true for you.

You have a profound case of not-having-a-fucking-clue what addiction is. One could say you are addicted to being ignorant as regards addiction. Is that irony, Alanis?

That's because Last Resort wasn't pulled off the air as Phil mentions in the second sentence. You didn't read this at all, did you? Less than Phil watched this show…
Or maybe I'm the only one who liked Rachael Taylor.

Also, it's never worth it. Nobody wants to watch that. Not to mention that "ugly dwarves" will be hard to find in show business for an audience-winning role.

Goddamn, this show is stupid. And yet, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching it, most of the time. That cliffhanger, though…I can't remember seeing a dumber one than that one in like…forever? Absolutely everything about this reveal is ridiculous. This is neither Kripke-level nor Abrams-level. I don't know

Undercovers was just boring. Alcatraz was getting good when it got killed. Alias was his first brand of true crazy (I don't know about Felicity and how it got weird later on) and I liked it for several seasons.

That's actually one of the very few things in this show that make internal sense.

And to think that three months ago I had no idea who Tatiana Maslany is…what did I know, really?

You go, girl! Just a warm-up for the Emmys and the Golden Globe.

Ok…why are you not following the remaining two shows??

This is still missing 7, so I'm throwing that into the mix.

…is this you, Lana Del Rey?

Yeah, because House of Cards can be readily compared to Bates Motel.