
GoT is one of the least-subtle shows I have ever seen and I don't mind it, at all. Straight exposition has never been that much fun to watch. The only problem with the show is the vast amount of characters. People that are not good with faces will have a very hard time. I don't mix up characters very often, but even I

Re-watching for plot is the last thing that crosses my mind, to be honest…

Same here. I want to watch new stuff more than I want to watch what I have already seen. Still, sometimes I really want to watch something twice. But then I start something new and that feeling is gone. I think it's better that way.

"Funny that you mention Breaking Bad and The Wire.  If asked to name the best shows I've ever seen, those would quickly come to mind as my top two.  "
And that's funny as opposed to obvious?
I am currently saving those until I die and hoping I won't die, first…

" It was a neat idea, but as was bound to happen, people were less entranced by the idea of "anthologized character studies with magical component" and instead gravitated towards "there is some unifying explanation for all this that we'll eventually be told." 
This is precisely the reason why I loved (almost)

Because they only watch YouTube and don't understand the truth behind it, just like most of us, I would guess.
Read: I didn't know this. Thanks!

Pff, that's nothing. You are completely screwed if you don't catch up on the huge shows like Breaking Bad. Reviewers and commenters alike will give away everything about the show through comparisons with any given show, no matter how far-fetched they might be.

As often as it makes sense to do it?

I predict for you: she won't get a single one. Not of note, anyway. I mean…look at Torv. What is she doing? Freaking voice-acting, by the looks of it. Are you kidding me? That's the opposite of what she should be doing…

Yes, I meant to say that killing Olivier like that is kind of Bad Guy territory, not that the Maslanys would know about that.

Ok, I guess I missed a lot…Fall of the Eleventh? When was that mentioned? That still doesn't mean that the Doctor dies, anyway.

The Doctor goes to Trenzalore to die, not to regenerate.

You know, that's hard to say. Obviously, I watched all of it, because SMG was in it and the guy opposite her worked well playing off of her. But there was an annoying subplot later on and the main plot was meandering and not crazy enough to make up for that. Which I don't even remember any of it. Plus, they wasted

Did you miss when he had Olivier put down? Sure, that guy was a dangerous freak…

If by "disappeared almost immediately" you mean that it played out its entire first season of 22 episodes, then…yes, blink-and-you'll-miss-it.
By the way…that show was Ringer and they were just your usual twins, not clones.

Not clones, but it's ultimately just a twist on it. Give someone a chance to play various characters that all look alike. I think that's the point of the criticism. You can add Ringer and that other identical-twin show to the list. The Vampire Diaries has Dopplegangers and various other ways for people on that show to

I love how "being hard on a show" results in one C+ and the rest B or better. I forgot about that C+, so this statement seemed unreal to me.

After episode 9 I thought Mrs. S must be the female part of the science couple that Emilia was talking about. Her glances at the end implicated that she was antsy about Emilia recognizing her and revealing too much. After the finale I think that's just too easy and obvious. She could be Scientist Woman's sister or

I both hope and think you are right. The clues are there. Don't care how silly it is, Helena is fantastic and needs to come back. Unless Maslany is afraid of playing her. No way.

He is also a clone. That's why Kira is extra-super-special!