
A reduced run is also how the original La Femme Nikita ended (loved that show, by the way).

With responses like this, I always wonder…before you write something, do you ask yourself, does this sound like something that not many other people might have come up with? Do I say this anyway?

I am probably the only one who thought this was one of the weakest episodes, yet.

Yeah, most of his lines killed my mood, that's right. Do all gays constantly point out that they are gay?

"That was totally another clone we saw. And I'm excited to see Maslany as a bad guy. Well, a sane bad guy."
No, that's not a clone. That's their genetic mother, the Original. One half of that scientist couple that Sarah's birth mother was talking about. The other half (aka Father) will probably turn out to be Leekie.

"so, so, so far off in the future"
Because predictions like that never went wrong…

Remember when we argued about Maslany and Torv? (It was you, wasn't it?) Well, I am seeing it now. The body language, the actual language and delivery, all of it. Maslany is incredible.

Sorry, but far more than half of your review talks about that final scene. Not sure how the reader is supposed to guess that you were not fascinated with that one scene so much as to overshadow everything else in the episode. I should be allowed to comment on how I perceived the review. What's more, it sounded like

I don't remember all of that, but sure. That's because Ruby used to be a witch. Now you can argue that Sam and Dean knew that Crowley was the son of a witch and could have prepared for witch-y stuff. It's easier to blame them that way, but I still think that was pretty hard to see coming.

(cheating at Disqus)
Alright, so your theory is yours, why not. Then the pictures arrive…still, people are discussing this in here and the way you labelled the pictures as spoilers is insufficient, because at that point it is already obvious that the spoilers refer to your theory.

"So THAT'S where I recognized Sandy from The Americans! I think it's safe to assume Jess will be revealed in a flashback to be a Russian assassin, and it turns out Finch saved Reese from her."
What the fuck are you talking about? When did she appear in this episode? Are you suggesting that she is Mystery Woman? If she

I thought it was incredibly stupid.

That's funny coming from an ex-Sherlock-fanatic. =P
Also, none of this is very apathetic of you…again. There is a pattern here, I think.

As a reviewer you should realize that your "theory" is based on those spoilers down there. I consider that one of the worst sins of a reviewer. I should have known you knew more than you let on…

If you are past embarassment already, you could try and increase your love for CBS procedurals by checking out Person of Interest.

You should not be allowed to discuss this. Good for you that you can interpret set photos…

I figured Irene was in there before they even entered, because Natalie Dormer who was listed in the credits had not shown up, yet (well, I expected her to be Irene Adler all along once I saw that). I should just never read those damn things…

It didn't occur to you, because it makes little sense and would be the worst thing they could do right about now. They don't bring in Natalie Dormer to play a hallucination for a couple scenes. Having her as a recurring Head Irene is not something you can seriously want to happen.

@avclub-f2bec39d4e252a3f1ba07621d86a4d06:disqus "You know why? Because she's Kathy motherfuckin' Bates."
That was my exact same reaction, word for word. No idea how Midnight is trying to compare relatively unknown Miller to someone like Bates.

Oozes menace, my ass! I will never forget his performance on 24…this guy will never be able to unsettle me, ever again.