
While watching this scene I knew that someone on this board would twist misogyny out of it. I win.

Yeah, exactly. I think the point was that Crowley doesn't catch up to what they are doing. He would, anyway, but…I don't know.

1. Certainly, this is strange. It's not like the trial specified what type of demon they have to cure. It could be that Dean assumes they should go for a bigger target for the trial to stick. Or that he thinks they got Abaddon already packaged, it saves the hunting part, since Sam is not in best shape right now. I

No, the guy saved from a Wendigo was their first save as a team, ever. Not random.
I'm not sure about Jenny of the Bloody Cupcakes, though. It was only last year, but I don't remember much besides…yeah, I remember back in that episode I was thinking that she was going to die and the boys saved her just in time. Makes

I seem to remember that they offered Kevin to leave his place, but he said no. They should have forced him, though.

(Thought about putting this in a new thread, but probably not going to get any exposure that way, so I just comment on here, again.)

They were not memorable, because it has been 8 or 9 years ago that most of us have seen those episodes! That doesn't mean they were not important. Their first save, Sam's first crush on the road…and Jenny from last year. Not random, at all.

I laughed hard when he said "I am sexting you the address." with a game face…fantastic. There was a time when I thought Mark Sheppard was becoming a bit much as Crowley, but this season he has found the right mix of over-the-top and dry wit like this one.

This Philapologist is going to have to agree by now…too grumpy! Finally reminds me of TWOP's Demian.

That's three people from past seasons WE met and they are dead, now. I simultaneously thought this was awesome and sad.

Thought the same thing. The episode was very enjoyable and turned pretty dark towards the end, like good SPN episodes do.

I keep saying that Silas manifested as Alaric and trapped in his body was turned to stone. Later on the real Alaric returns…but I didn't think about how Alaric suddenly pops up somewhere else. I am not sure how the Veil works and if Alaric freed from Silas can just materialize somewhere else…and all that sounds too

Isn't it the same actor? That's totally him, isn't it? Huh. (No, it's not.)


Magic is a pretty horrible device in TVD and it's getting out of control by now. I can only hope Bonnie stays dead (sorry, Bonnie!).

Yeah, I don't understand why this audience is suddenly not able to follow TVD-logic any more…

All wrong:

I already said this last week, but this makes (usual TVD-like) sense to me.

Kat Graham is in no way a better actress than Phoebe Tonkin, from what I have seen on TVD. I think of all TVD actors Graham is the weakest.

I more recently caught up with this show and I never got the impression that Fusco was irredeemable. As early as in the pilot, you can tell that he would rather not have anything to do with all of it, when he is by himself. Of course, when he is in front of HR he acts tough. He is in fact still doing that. I don't