
No, they don't suck up funding, they actually make more money than quality drama and that money made can be put into more quality drama (although putting it into more reality to make even more money sounds better). I don't watch it, but reality pays for the good stuff. Less reality more than likely means less quality

Donnie was/is still having the affair, that's all we need to explain this. Maybe that one commenter is right who said he is having an affair with Chad. I can see that making sense.

Caroline is right, how Alison played with the scissor wheel was fantastic. Especially that awkward snip-snap move with the scissors when she realizes they are not even sharp enough to do any damage (or did she think the opposite, that it was too much?) and moves on to the hot glue.

It was in the spirit of a TED talk, as Delphine mentioned. I had a very strange moment during this episode when after she had said this I was thinking of checking out said TED talk, before I realized I was watching a show and next thing I know will be this guy on screen so it's maybe not likely that he is real.

This episode she made Cosima a character and impersonated herself again, the other way around…I am on board. This woman is really good and can hold an entire show almost on her own. The plot is a weird mess, but who cares.

This was a weird comment. It's like the writer…you know?

Remember that I said this every week: Norman is going to "have to" kill Emma one day, because otherwise she must suffocate or something.

Remember Dylan's buddy who got shot? He was Asian. The Sex Slave gotta be his sister…right?
(That's not the show's logic, you say?)

A show is good when it succeeds at what it is trying to do. The problem with this show for some (like Todd) is that they don't know what exactly it is trying to do. Personally, I am pretty sure that the tonal shifts are on purpose when I watch it. I can say I like it.

No, but I think Norman is going to "kill" Emma when one day she cannot breathe any more and there's the choice between that or suffering.
Norman is very likely never to kill anybody innocent on this show, sorry(?).

"and Norma's already established Emma's life expectancy several episodes back (26?) so she knows Norman will always come back to Mother."
Yes! That's the real reason she is decent to Emma…or so you are supposed to believe. Like everything on this show, it's the same kind of "Does Norman holding a hammer kill the dog or

Todd does not separate what he knows from the movie with what is depicted on the show. To be fair, the creators of this show put in so many references that it is harder to see it as an entity. And of course, if your show is related to something famous by concept or even by name, how could you expect someone not to

Do yourself a favor and track down the US remake of Touching Evil. I honestly don't remember much of that show, but I remember I liked it very much and got a crush on Vera Farmiga.

You saw coming that the protagonist killed an innocent girl during the first couple episodes of a new show? You live in a bolder television world than the rest of us.

Todd seems to have missed half of the point this dog had to the story. Norman holding the hammer and even making a slight hammer move with it as the dog approaches, how does that leave any question what is going on?

Never on this show, I am afraid(?). I think Emma might get in a situation when she either suffers or dies and Norman will be there to make choice #2.

The problem is that they usually let Todd review shows because nobody else wants to. I don't believe there is much choice in this matter…

I don't watch this and I am honestly surprised that this show apparently has a body count of at least 2, by now. Huh.

Isn't that cheating? I mean the part after Jeff Buckley.

I agree with everything except for Caroline's mother. Actually, if Matt and her both had died, this would have been a much better episode and setting appropriate doom for the finale. Sure, there would be no common folk left, but I think I don't care. Instead they dragged out both fake-deaths and tried to milk them for