
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus No, it's not. Dexter isn't airing, right now. Even if it were, she could have a diminished part on Dexter. Sure, I agree, that the more seasons of Dexter there are, the less likely it is going to be…

I just think the plotting is off. I don't even mind that it feels a bit rushed. Some of it doesn't make sense to me beyond symbolism and the whole two-characters-in-a-room aspect mentioned in the review. That's what it is about and how you have to read it, even if that makes for some "unrealistic" action. It's too

It's sad if you are serious about Farscape. The most creative and clever sci-fi show in my opinion, showing you aliens once in a while instead of costumed humans (of course, a lot of those, too).

I liked her in both shows (because I like Julie Benz, I guess) and considering who else Dexter hung out with, Rita wins. Not sure that speaks to the quality of the show, but there you go.

Sounds like Joss Whedon should sue.

Wow…if Zack "The Master Of Over-Grading" gives this an F…how bad must it really be? 
Cannot compute.

It's hard not to hear the influence of "Atmosphere" in this song (or the influence of Joy Division in music by The Cure, in general), but I still think they are quite different. Both are very good songs, that's for sure.

Yeah, that is nonsense. Fandom is split, anyway. The Cure did too many different things (very well) for everyone to agree. Wish has some great songs like "Deep Green Sea", "Open" and "Apart" (and "Friday I'm In Love"), as was already mentioned.

1. Disintegration
2. Pornography
3. Boys Don't Cry / Three Imaginary Boys
4. Faith
5. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

I used to like Seventeen Seconds a lot, even though it's minimalistic drum-computer stuff.

Yeah, I am quite glad that the first time I listened to it wasn't on headphones…

Aaaah. That's why the theme reminded me of "Fascination Street"! (Yes, I heard that song before I ever heard the theme to Doctor Who.)
There you go, now I got that in my head all day.

Disintegration is a true concept album with fantastic segues. My favorite, followed by Pornography. You should try the latter, but of course there's nothing remotely up-beat on that one.

They play the dark trilogy these days? Hopefully that's on Youtube, soon.

"Ex-girlfriend? Shae's been his girlfriend the whole time. Who would the ex be?"
No…Ros. See? That was the confusion. ;)
Unless you are playing with me, now.

Strange that you would explain "his" and "he'd", as there was never any confusion about that. The "him" might be less clear, but I guess it must be Podrick.
The main confusion was "girlfriend". I probably expected an "ex" in there.

So does every other person on this board, I guess. I always respond to a thread right away before I forget doing it… 
I hope we are right, because if not…then that was truly horrible.

Too bad that a Gold Dragon is currency in Westeros. When Tyrion had that "If I had a nickel…" line I cracked up, because I thought he was talking about actual dragons…
Think about it…that would make this line a lot better.

Tyrion's girlfriend = ginger hooker = Ros? Or what does Shae have to do with this? Neither of them was one of the three prostitutes. Not sure I see your point.

(cheating at Disqus, because I don't like to reply to myself…)