
@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus She is not playing normal people. She is playing archetypes, so far. I don't pay attention to posture enough, maybe. The antics of "Soccer Bitch" seem overdone to me, although a bit more depth is showing. Cosima is also kinda cliche.

Her name is TAtiana. You are thinking of something else.

That's exactly what it reminded me of, as well. The Bacon numbers in television are pretty low, overall (especially with Canadian productions).

That's exactly what it reminded me of, as well. The Bacon numbers in television are pretty low, overall (especially with Canadian productions).

No, not anything. But a sex scene as cheesily depicted as that one? Yes. Because he was basically told by his half-brother.
The sex slave? Maybe, because he was told by Emma and he's got the pictures. 
What I am saying: There are indications what might be real and what might not be. I agree, that this could get out of

Don't know why such a big deal is made of the "I killed the crap out of him!". Norma is moody and unstable, barely holding it together. It doesn't make sense that she is supposed to eloquently discuss the rape. 
Having this line right after she was rattling the chain-link fence like a monkey shaking a tree, well…I

This is why I think it hasn't really happened and it's from Norman's Crazy-POV. I hope this very much…
It will make for a nice awkward moment when he tells Bradley how much he liked it and she has no idea what he is really talking about.

Actually, that episode advances the plot more elegantly than the non-musical option would have done.

It could go either way. That's the point. While it makes a whole lot more sense that it was Norman, because of all which Todd has mentioned.

That was one hell of a parantheses. (I know it's plural, but then I wouldn't be able to say "one hell of". I could say "one hell of a set of parantheses"…not sure about that. Is it still plural, then? "That was two hells of parantheses?"…nah. I don't understand your second use of parantheses, by the way.)

Billy Burke doesn't impress me too much in this role, either. By now I am also willing to admit that Mitchell is a limited actress. I liked the woman they killed off early on.

They only made him a padre so that Neville can say the line "Forgive me, padre." before stabbing him to death. That happened, right?

Yeah, it almost seems like seasoned (I am just guessing here) tv reviewers do not understand story-telling mechanics. Killing Danny was the best possible choice made at just the right time. Not that I necessarily believed they would do it.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus (Not that you will read it, but…) Marcus vs. Sam was great, every single time, not just this episode. Speedman doesn't have the range, I think, and covers some of that up by screaming his head off. Then again, screaming is believable (and Braugher does it, too). Loved

"Also, did we get any kind of indication why Ernie Hudson killed himself?"
My guess would be that they threatened his family. I know, that might be something you should think about before you start a coup. It wasn't possible to indicate it as it removes the twist (that most of us saw coming anyway). I doubt this would

COB was sort of a cliche, but great character, anyway. Thanks to Robert Patrick, no doubt.

Just dropping in to say that I didn't drop out…I just waited a loooong time to watch the last two episodes. They were good. Actually loved the finale for all its obvious re-editing and how it still worked out good enough. All scenes between Braugher and Speedman were very well done, I was impressed.

It's got not that much to do with entitlement, I think. Arya is more of a free spirit, trying to distinguish herself from nobility. She is both brave and reckless.

Was that Chekov's Crossbow?

It was a nice scene, but I don't like Fairley's acting. She is too much theatre for my taste.