
Nothing is truly new. It has elements of (a lot of) soap opera and serialization. Is it so much different than other HBO shows? In recent memory, Boardwalk Empire seems to have very much the same concept.

Yes, I will admit, I remembered the name, but not the man…
I am starting to notice more and more often that I just can't remember things from tv shows the way I used to…
I didn't remember Theon's name, either. Not even whether he is still alive or dead…

They must have retconned that, if you keep in mind how we met Elijah…ok, he doesn't like to be deceived.

Yeah, now it's three times the fucking shame…

aka AVC grading makes no fucking sense.

So I heard this show is filled with people doing stupid things. You are comparing it to TVD. So who is lying?

@avclub-3e89778b9ef82189a336a84b1546c976:disqus For a couple seasons would be weird, seeing that he took over for Zack Handlen last season…

I forgot all about that, I guess. I loved season 4, so far. Aside from the premiere maybe, which started pretty silly, but turned a corner. They still have that chemistry that makes up for a lot.

I knew I would get a strong reaction out of this.

Does your "pretty much" exclude Warehouse 13?

You forgot about it? Oh, I wish I could…

Alec is CSM aka an older man. She is…her young self. Not to discriminate…but we even saw them in the future when he met her first in a flashback (from the POV of the future) and of course when he was next-door to where she got kicked into the past.
It's a lot more likely that he's her uncle. Alec seemed shaken when in

You know, they said the same things about Anna Torv.

Yes, Rachel Miner was hard to look at when she returned as Meg the first time…the first time of returning while being Meg, I mean…not her first appearance, whenever that was, I don't remember.
Much better this episode, so that's when I suspected that she was going to die.

I am a known Phil apologist (philapologist?). But…this was bad. That was too many mistakes for even me to look past. I guess you guys noticed it all along and I was blind to it.

I like how you got 5 likes for misunderstanding who the OP was talking about.

I am pretty hard on giving episodes an A. It's gotta be either an instant classic or an episode I re-watched at least once. I mean, it's the best grade. You gotta earn it.

I am sure it doesn't affect your enjoyment(?) of those episodes. The AVC said so!

We are the only two people not watching both shows!

I caught myself thinking that I want it to be like this every episode. It was pretty obvious that the episode would be bookended by the "breakup".