
Yeah, that was pretty sweet. I was seriously considering bumping this episode a grade just for Siamese Twins.

Because the guy who claims he got those messages is the one who wrote them, obviously.

Not offended. It's just that I realized after the fact that I could be "accused" of talking about woman's intuition. But I am male and I sometimes have those moments like Joan seems to have. I think I am a fairly good judge of character, too. Whatever that means.

You are absolutely spot-on regarding that Polish plot. I hope she was at least bullshitting him about their son.

Yeah, thanks to people in here - especially you - who told me to look past the exposition. I can honestly say that POI is my favorite show airing right now. But Elementary is very close up.
April will most definitely change that, of course…

This is not an A for most shows. Ok, I don't know what your standards are…
This episode was ok. Doesn't matter if it's POI or whatever else, really.

Marco is too young. That looked like ancient HTML. Or entirely made-up HTML. I don't really know. Nolan idolized that person apparently for quite some time. Maybe the Falcon is his father? (Because, you know, David is his real father.)

Remember how Amanda was kinda like that at first? Give it a season. If there is another one.

You are wrong. Because David is part of the Initiative. AND the Falcon.
…I mean, David is also the Falcon. Not the Falcon is also Initiative. Actually both is true, anyway.

"Really enjoyed this episode, minimal Initiative bullshit, maximum soap intrigue like old times.  Emily looking stunning as always, sigh she's a knockout."
Perfect summary. I really liked this episode, as well

Nolan could have set the hax0r magic up at his place and connect it to the phone, then released by tapping it. Easy.

Of all the animals on Nolan's ark he had to pick the Falcon!

David is (was?) the Falcon. It makes sense. He was part of the Initiative.

Yeah. He was brainwashed afterwards. Or hacked himself.

Because he was (is?) full of shit. I never believed any of that.

"I do believe that gut feelings or instinct are based on subconsciously perceived clues. I also believe that scientific studies bare this out. "
Science does that to a lot of things. I don't think that fully explains it. I don't feel that the show accepts Sherlock's way as the ultimate truth.

I rewatched it. I think I am seeing things. He knocks and says "Oh" and then adds "when you are finished with this". It appears genuine. Appears.

Yeah, "loose" serialization, doubtful it was less than NCIS has. In fact, the opening scene (I hope I remember this correctly…I have watched every episode of SPN only once in my life…except for Mystery Spot, I think) is the start of the first arc and arguably every one that follows.

I don't understand why SPN is a remake of this show, if the deciding factor is supposed to be that it's a mixture of anthology and recurring characters as opposed to being not serialized. Because it is (serialized). Not having watched this show and only having Todd's comparison in front of me I would never be able to

(Now Disqus isn't even notifying me for properly nested replies, any more…)
Hey, I am not fully convinced, myself. I don't mean it in a bad way, either. He doesn't have to be selfish, jealous or whatever to behave like that. It could be some kind of challenge to her. Testing how strong her resolve is and if she lets