
That is Susan Misner aka Jessica, Reese's ex on POI.

People refuse to accept that not everyone has the same opinion.
Season 5 was almost my favorite season. Unironically and unapologetically.

"This should raise a red flag right away."
Masterfully done.

I also think that this was the worst episode, yet. Still solid, though. I don't like this whole sexual-favors topic. It still appears forced to me. Maybe I am not realistic enough.
The car scene seems a bit too easy. Although I can see how security guards won't think of checking people exiting too hard, as the same

Is the AV Club as wrong about this as they were about The Vampire Diaries?

SPOILER You know that spoiler tags don't work if you write the actual spoiler right after them? But it is very possible with this board that you spaced it out and didn't check that it worked. As it often does not.

Yeah. Who ever said that SPN is even interested in parroting mythology? Putting a twist on it is fine.

The plot was dumb, yes. But Zeus is not dead. Just sent back home or something.

It was the third basically crap episode in a row. Up until the point that Artemis showed up I had high hopes for it. The episodes with many gods in it worked, because they were over the top and didn't dwell on any entity. Putting Zeus, Prometheus and Artemis front-and-center is a mistake.

I hate your gimmick. It is a gimmick, right?

That is so true. I am pissed off by Zack's inconsequential style of writing and grading. I even think that he is mostly right about what he has written on this episode. Although I still think that Andrea is treated fairly well this season and don't see this episode as a failure. Clearly Zack does pretty much every

Pushing Daisies notification. =(

If it's that easy to manipulate the system, well…seems to me like a rather large security flaw.

This goes large parts to what usernameguy said…

I don't care that Root is a bad guy. Acker and Shahi teaming up sounds like it should happen. Though, somehow I don't think Root is a team player, ultimately.

True. But you know what? That's not the standard that most of us hold a tv show to, I imagine. Or do we think that movies always surpass the value of tv?

Do you remember when Reese enters the room with a tied-up Shaw? They are talking about the drug that's in the syringe and that he should not "bump" it if he doesn't happen to have some whatever-counters-the-drug.

That's what it's supposed to feel like.

Ha, that's what I said in another thread. The credits. Glitching. Awesome.

Every time I read this you make me wish a little bit more that I knew what you are talking about…but then, that might spoil it for this show. I resist the urge to google it.