
The character rubbed me the wrong way, because of the personality disorder…feels a little bit forced at first, but if you think about it, makes sense to hire her.

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus I would think that a first-timer might have assumed that Reese is a bad guy. It's not like he was shown in the intro. That's one of the things that made this a brilliant episode.

The derailment of the intro brought back Fuzzy Fringe Feelings. That was awesome.  love the Machine POV, can't get enough of it. I knew I was in for a great episode.

Everything on SPN is people.

I could name a ton of shows with complex female characters. I don't see your point. Not at all. I don't know how wide your definition of "drama" is. But since you mentioned LFN, it cannot be too limited. Some would consider that an action-adventure show.

They pretend to be snarky about everything. Unless it's Jacob. He turns recaps into Philosophy 101. And rates every episode A+.

Demian is no longer the SPN recapper in case you didn't know. I always thought it was funny to see how he hated a given episode. Sad that he is gone.

You know what…this episode was terrible. (One of) the worst. But of course you show up for the first time in here and post some slapped-together drivel to make some obscure connection (that doesn't exist) to your nemesis Enlightened.

I gave it a C-, but only because I never gave a D in my life, I guess. Yeah, I think this is one of the worst episodes they ever did and Phil is overrating it.

How was this an interesting take on familiars? It was the lowest-common-denominator-take on familiars.

(Oops, I accidentally liked your post.)
No, it doesn't hinge on how funny it is. There are good episodes that are not funny. They used to do the angst well, back when it was fresh.

Sadly, I didn't figure and tried to remember him for the remainder of the episode. (Not that there was much else to think about.)
I was thinking how bad my memory is getting, lately.

Wow, second week in a row with an extremely stupid center case. Exactly as "obvious" as the previous one. There are options, but no, it's the easiest and most boring one they pick. Plus, this time there wasn't even a saving grace due to character stuff. 
First, they get angsty like usual, again. Way to ruin progress.

But this new witch guy and Portia were the only ones who did it. Allegedly. Sorry to ruin the joke with "facts".

There have been werebitches before, though. Dean could have also made a Megadeth reference for those. Perhaps he did.

Strange read on the pilot, but I am not sure I understood that one, anyway. As I see it, she wanted to kill him, because she was emotional, not because she was told to do it. I believe their mission was not to kill him, but to hand him over. That's exactly the opposite of being loyal to your orders.

Susan Misner
Apparently she is not linked on the IMDb page of The Americans , although the show is linked on her profile (I guess they have a pretty impractical one-way-relational system?). She is a recurring character on Person Of Interest.

You are late to the party. I noticed that two episodes ago. So did Stan.

"I can't recall another female character as complex as Elizabeth with the possible exception of Nikita on the 90s USA series, La Femme Nikita."
Sydney Bristow on Alias. Well, obviously. That whole show is heavily modelled after La Femme Nikita.
Oh yeah, and just about everyone but especially Peggy on Mad Men.
And a lot

No, it wasn't a fun and bloody hour. More like 10 minutes. Those were awesome. But the rest was fake drama between Glenn and Maggie and they managed to ruin Daryl a bit (tough childhood? *yawn*).