
Because her touch is magical!

Because her touch is magical!

Hicks got superhuman abilities to predict patterns in the scenery and adapt his timing and accuracy accordingly to achieve a certain outcome. The same is not true for predicting patterns in people. Reading his son or Danielle or Nina…

Hicks got superhuman abilities to predict patterns in the scenery and adapt his timing and accuracy accordingly to achieve a certain outcome. The same is not true for predicting patterns in people. Reading his son or Danielle or Nina…

You are apparently "too stupid" to realize how the scene of the team scrutinizing Nina's actions was build-up to the twist that they never intended to hide…but somehow still explained in detail? Yeah, right.

You are apparently "too stupid" to realize how the scene of the team scrutinizing Nina's actions was build-up to the twist that they never intended to hide…but somehow still explained in detail? Yeah, right.

Gary gets an A. Always.

Gary gets an A. Always.

No, it was Hicks. I am pretty sure that's not what he had in mind, though. I am pretty sure he wasn't thinking much of anything at that point.

No, it was Hicks. I am pretty sure that's not what he had in mind, though. I am pretty sure he wasn't thinking much of anything at that point.

The show's premise is really interesting.
It's just so hard to get past the by-the-numbers procedural beats.

The show's premise is really interesting.
It's just so hard to get past the by-the-numbers procedural beats.

More shows that do/did this dramedy thing:
Eureka, Warehouse 13
Incidentally, both on SyFy.

More shows that do/did this dramedy thing:
Eureka, Warehouse 13
Incidentally, both on SyFy.

As someone trying to catch up on this show…I really liked the s1 finale plus the first two episodes of s2. Much of that because of Amy Acker, but that was not the only reason. Everything worked for me, thanks to the mythology and The Machine being intriguing.

As someone trying to catch up on this show…I really liked the s1 finale plus the first two episodes of s2. Much of that because of Amy Acker, but that was not the only reason. Everything worked for me, thanks to the mythology and The Machine being intriguing.

Actually, I suspected Luna to turn Skinwalker back in season 4, because of that backstory. Good to see they keep a long memory and continuity of *something* on this show.

Actually, I suspected Luna to turn Skinwalker back in season 4, because of that backstory. Good to see they keep a long memory and continuity of *something* on this show.

I am not done with catching up on the conclusion of this show, but…the Patty and Ellen stuff was great. The rest not so much, but far from being average.

I am not done with catching up on the conclusion of this show, but…the Patty and Ellen stuff was great. The rest not so much, but far from being average.