
I am in that Venn diagram, but I didn't think of Doctor Who, at all. Sorry to disappoint. I thought Goofy Dark-Lit Conspiracy Room. It scares me a little, too.

I am in that Venn diagram, but I didn't think of Doctor Who, at all. Sorry to disappoint. I thought Goofy Dark-Lit Conspiracy Room. It scares me a little, too.

The fog didn't come out of nowhere. That was their Ghost Daddy helping the boys with RE-VEEEEEEENGE!

The fog didn't come out of nowhere. That was their Ghost Daddy helping the boys with RE-VEEEEEEENGE!

You just had me look up that name for the first time and realizing that there are two people on this show who keep their first name on their character. Ha.

You just had me look up that name for the first time and realizing that there are two people on this show who keep their first name on their character. Ha.

I use the grading system to record my enjoyment, not the quality. That said, this was still a B- for me. Because Homeland is generally very well-acted across the board, it is hardly capable of falling into C or even D territory.

I use the grading system to record my enjoyment, not the quality. That said, this was still a B- for me. Because Homeland is generally very well-acted across the board, it is hardly capable of falling into C or even D territory.

Yes, that line was pure shit. As was most of this episode. But that doesn't mean Morgan Saylor doesn't deserve kudos for this season as a whole. Your snark is misplaced.

Yes, that line was pure shit. As was most of this episode. But that doesn't mean Morgan Saylor doesn't deserve kudos for this season as a whole. Your snark is misplaced.

The weirdest thing is that the Dana plot is the one that makes the most sense at this point. Finn and Dana behave in-character and the way this subplot played out - while its existence is perfunctory in the first place - didn't leave much room for improvement. 
Huge parts of this owed to the fact that both these kids

The weirdest thing is that the Dana plot is the one that makes the most sense at this point. Finn and Dana behave in-character and the way this subplot played out - while its existence is perfunctory in the first place - didn't leave much room for improvement. 
Huge parts of this owed to the fact that both these kids

Plot is officially out of the window. It's going to go downhill from here when in the last two episodes they will reveal that the attack was homemade and Estes was the mole (I liked to believe didn't really exist) all along. Everything that's happening with Nazir only makes sense if someone is helping him from within.

Plot is officially out of the window. It's going to go downhill from here when in the last two episodes they will reveal that the attack was homemade and Estes was the mole (I liked to believe didn't really exist) all along. Everything that's happening with Nazir only makes sense if someone is helping him from within.

I think, you didn't get it. Boothe was visibly disillusioned by the orders he received (the actor sold that well, I believe). He didn't want to kill Ben.

I think, you didn't get it. Boothe was visibly disillusioned by the orders he received (the actor sold that well, I believe). He didn't want to kill Ben.

Don't take its name in vain!

Don't take its name in vain!

Liked for the image of being "super-killed". 
What face of Jessy Schram's would that be? Does she have a trademark face?

Liked for the image of being "super-killed". 
What face of Jessy Schram's would that be? Does she have a trademark face?