
You might wanna think about that some more. Dead Man Walking making no sense to you?

You might wanna think about that some more. Dead Man Walking making no sense to you?

Damn, how did you interpret that so well? It's almost as if Hershel flat-out told you!

Damn, how did you interpret that so well? It's almost as if Hershel flat-out told you!

There was always a huge disparity between his grades and his review. This time both of it lines up and sounds believable, for once.

There was always a huge disparity between his grades and his review. This time both of it lines up and sounds believable, for once.

Now you know why they kept those redshirts super-low-profile. And somehow people still recognize them…I am impressed.

Now you know why they kept those redshirts super-low-profile. And somehow people still recognize them…I am impressed.

Dialog is fuckin' A!

Dialog is fuckin' A!

Let's not forget that Carrie didn't want anything to do with the CIA any more. It's their fault that she has re-attached to Brody and is going off the rails. The man is clearly not good for her mental state.

@avclub-432773124021b504983e853ed7588fa6:disqus Facial recognition software? This is a covert operation with zero funding. They are working with everything that citizens have access to and that's it.

It doesn't have to be realistic and maybe not even believable. However, I find it hard to get invested if so much of the show's direction is dictated by the plot. All the accidents happening to Brody and Dana are only there to drive the plot to blow up.

"Is Carrie really going off the reservation and running off with Brody?  Nope, she's just manipulating him."
I am pretty sure you are supposed to be in the dark about that.

"Is Carrie really going off the reservation and running off with Brody?  Nope, she's just manipulating him."
I am pretty sure you are supposed to be in the dark about that.

With all the good acting involved, I am still not feeling this season…I am really hung up on a couple things, most of all the Dana plot. As good as Morgan Saylor is here, it is still a freak accident that ultimately causes Brody's storyline to derail. It is too important to the plot and too stupid to begin with to

With all the good acting involved, I am still not feeling this season…I am really hung up on a couple things, most of all the Dana plot. As good as Morgan Saylor is here, it is still a freak accident that ultimately causes Brody's storyline to derail. It is too important to the plot and too stupid to begin with to

I also got a slight shock…

I also got a slight shock…

I just searched for "Black Milk" (yeah, lazy, just the title) on Youtube and got hits from a rapper with that name. I was about to rage, but he actually doesn't seem that bad, either…