
Maybe someone must inject themselves with the blood and whatever else they need for the "weapon" and sacrifice themselves to be eaten by Dick. That sounds familiar…wasn't this a plot point before? I think Dean was sucked and had something in his blood?

"But, this show has just lost it's direction, big-picture-wise. I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm sticking with this show is because I love the characters and want to see how things play out. I'm hoping they can right this ship next season. And, if Dick's still around, KEEP him around. He's a great villain. "

It was "hold the tonic". And yeah, because they hammered this into our heads I also bet that Jack's ex is coming back.

It's not in the C-Range. It may be a disappointment to many, but it's not bad.

I stopped watching it after a couple episodes in order to wait and see if it gets renewed. I usually don't do this with shows that I like at least enough to imagine myself watching another season. But I had a very bad feeling this time.

That headline scared the shit out of me.

Revenge, obviously.

When did you last watch Supernatural? I don't know, but I feel like the "Babe of the Week" routine is not a focus of this show any more…

@Captcha Reader (why is the damn thing not working?)
 Make that your third terrible TV secret. It's unnatural.

Yeah, it put that Gruffudd guy on my map, that I had never (remembered to have) seen before.
Sure, he had mostly easy soap-y scenes to play, but there were a few cool ones like his reaction to Bridget's confession at the end. Which I thought he played close to perfectly, roundabout as I expected him to react.

"We shouldn't have found out Siobhan was alive until the season finale. "
Please. When I first heard about the show, it's the first thing I was certain of. I was impressed that they revealed it from the start. Sadly, that would remain the only thing I was impressed by until the penultimate episode.

I am the guy telling you that Missing is not as bad as they would have you believe. But here's the thing: it's fine for one season. I can see no way to stretch that premise. That means, I won't be that other guy.

I see. I thought she was a sister or a cousin of Jessica Paré.

My thoughts, exactly. On the cheesiness and general crappiness of the second part.

Did he edit the review or are you (un?)intentionally misquoting it? This is what he says:

Maybe I imagined it, but Emily was checking. It's just that she probably can't see him sitting on the balcony?

"There is no way the show will resist the temptation of reviving Emily's father if the show goes on long enough."
I would be surprised if they didn't drop that bomb shell as a cliffhanger in the finale. And then it goes to hell. Father and daughter teaming up for revenge, not liking the thought. I'm not sure that even

Why would somebody take that damn photo??The one who took the photo probably took another one of this supposed stabbing as proof to Conrad that David is dead. Which most likely means that David isn't dead and it was staged. And Bill Buchanan is a good guy. Or at least on David's side.
How they got him out of the

I also think the last two episodes were among the best. The previous one was wildly implausible and gimmicky, but who cares, if it's all so much fun and consistently well written. Yes, the dialog at the gallery was hard to take. But come on, that's the exception. I am sure this wasn't the last we saw of Purefoy. Maybe

For those of us who think the show is misogynistic (not me) this could be read as that you have to be a modern woman on this show in order to survive.