
Did you forget the rules for ghosts on this show (and, I believe, in general)? If Dead Bobby goes vengeful, there is no coming back. He will get stuck in a loop and become hunter material. Their fear and drama is justified.

The reviews are getting worse because the episodes are not that good. And that's not even true, because the grades are getting better? I have more and more trouble recognising elements of the Supernatural I know.

Yes! Although it's not always the same voice actor, it's usually Manfred Lehmann, who also voices Gerard Depardieu among many others. Mirco Buchwitz must have seen a movie in which he was dubbed by one of the other guys.

She did. She said "I knew you were too good to be true". Although there was no "a-ha!" in her impression. Maybe that was your point. That she underplayed it. Which could be the actresses fault, but I highly doubt that, because she was always good at that stuff.

Not sure why you make a point about the swearing. I'm not objecting to "Balls!" per se. I just think it was way overdone. For instance, in the cliffhanger of the previous episode it was funny as a counterpoint to the atmosphere of the scene.

I disagree with the rating. But not in the direction that most of you do. I'd give this a solid D.
This episode was as bad as the Ghostfacers or how they were called.

Gruffudd played the shit out of that scene. He looked appropriately unbelieving, angry, torn-up and steel-faced in succession.
But I'd say Andrew and Juliet should think about this a little harder and figure out they are over-reacting.

This episode was less good than the two before that, though. Still better than most of everything else. 
Yeah, Bodaway was boring. Last week's episode was super fun. Props to Andrea Roth!

I think Reddick has not often been able to show what a good actor he is. This was an excellent episode for him. Yes, that last moment was intense.

If it's an A-, it is one of the greats, isn't it? That's what I gave it, too. I am loving these past weeks of Fringe.

Swedish. Danish. Radish.

If I recall, that's the same music that is played at the end of every episode of the original, "Forbrydelsen". Maybe I'm confusing that, because I started watching the remake first, then switched to the original and didn't return.

"People can hate this show as much as they want, I'm not going to stop watching, and I really think that it's FAR less terrible than it's being made out to be. "

"Up until this show, AMC was a fairly reliable network for original shows, and I was agreeable to the Killing on a number of levels. I was okay that it appeared, on the surface, to be derivative of Twin Peaks. "
Not sure if you are not aware of it or just don't mention it, but The Killing is a remake of the Danish

I am not necessarily saying that Joshua Jackson is a bad actor or a bad Peter. But I think that he clearly is one of the weakest actors on the show. 
Which is ok, because I think it's a strong cast.

Yeah, same for me. I don't mind sap so much, if it is earned.

Joke's on you, AV Club. This show is fun, moves fast and shooting has greatly improved.

It's obvious that they were both drawn to each other, but after this episode only it becomes clear that they were not right for each other. She liked the vulnerable side of him and he didn't display that very much, as opposed to our Lincoln.
Alt-Lincoln may have felt similarly.

Same for me. Great episode. Yes, it wasn't subtle and very predictable. As usual on Fringe, really. Those conversations in which the characters recognize themselves and the episode hits you over the head with it, never done that well, if you think about it. It was pretty bad in this episode, but the rest worked for

I also enjoy it, even for all its silliness and transparency.