
I liked your comment, but you have to admit, he would be forgiven to think that Fringe is mediocre, if he had only seen season 1. The first half of season 2 got into the same rut, again, before it eventually took off to a whole 'nother level. 
I don't remember Fringe being much better back then than Alcatraz at this

I don't even mind the sound effect that much, but the visual is pretty silly. They don't use it consistently, though.

It's obviously a solid pattern so far. Resolving issues of their past, mixed in with missions. Or none, if you are the worst scum.

You are not, ok? This show sucks as much right now as Fringe did during the first season. Probably worse. Personally I gave it props for the mythology bits.

Not this again. At this rate I have to say the guy from American Horror Story is his twin. Which he isn't. Not at all. 
(Somebody stop me.)

Why? They have plenty people to hunt down and collect for Forestraz. Rock solid premise that could be great. But isn't, so far. Not at all. 
(I'm so weak.)

And Bridget had a wig that reminded me a lot of Laura Palmer.

They gave Bridget a Laura Palmer wig specifically so that you would be able to tell them apart. Yes, they never did this prior to this episode.

I'm done with this. Three time's the charm. Three shit episodes in a row.

I mean, you said yourself you didn't know why you were still watching this until the finale. You are only making a case in favor of the finale, right?

Nothing on the show ever had much consequence. Therefore the emotional scenes felt like cheating at some point. I almost made it all the way with those characters, but didn't much care after the back and forth in season 4. 
When I heard this was going to be the last season, I considered re-joining it for that last

Right until M. Night. goes into television. Then you will regret you didn't want him to make more movies.

No, we don't think that. We think Heroes sucked almost all the way through and we don't understand how anyone could have liked it. We don't care about what networks think or how they operate and what their priorities are. We are objective like that.

@avclub-df354df0cd7da4b502560a84162b333d:disqus You switched the shows by accident, right?

I don't care who is doing it. I don't watch it, because I don't like bullshit with numbers.

@persia2:disqus I guess I enjoy hybrids the most, if they are successful like X-Files, Buffy, Angel, Fringe, Supernatural… Pure mythology doesn't work most of the time. Of course, you could argue that most of them still have a procedural element or a theme of the week, but that's just the nature of television.

Did Mythbusters cover this, yet?

He felt the need to say that the audience is extremely intelligent, but then went on in in the next sentence to explain the obvious, anyway.

Equating don't liking something with don't getting it…the good old tactic. Too bad, I thought he was going to avoid that throughout the entire interview. Well, only human.

Man, I was going to replay Discworld and keep bumping or even forgetting it for ages, now. There's also a game-stopper in there, right? Something about the L-shape thingy. I remember that game was hard as rocks.