
Gave up on Heroes at the beginning of season 3. But later on I binged that season and it was entertaining enough.

Unless you belonged to the camp which was fine with nothing being explained, because it was obvious, it would not satisfy most. And was fascinated with the characters and the way their stories were told.

I should put a SPOILER warning here already, although I won't spoil, but it might follow…there isn't a lot to contemplate with Homeland? Are you kidding? That's one show I imagine loses quite a bit if binged. I do not recommend.

I didn't like Rachel at first. I am ok with her now, but I still don't like that performance too much. Her backstory is annoying, although it makes sense.

I call bullshit on your argument that Buffy is only good in a "you had to be there" sense. I only recently watched it for the first time, because when it first aired I was not into tv that much and dismissed it myself for a couple of years after that. I love it and it ranks among my favorite shows ever. 
Even though

I will remind you of this snarky statement after the Forestraz prison break in season 13 has taken place.

You mean like in that Abrams show that everyone keeps comparing this one to?
I like that idea.

The 302?
POW's (Prisoners-Or-Wardens)? 

The middle part of Fringe season 1 was terrible. I was about to give up on it, because it was literally middle-of-the-road. Looks like we might be going through this earlier on Alcatraz…

My "favorite" scene was when Stealthy was shot and about a minute later it sounded like he screamed "OOOOW!". But it was Grumpy screaming "NOOOO!". Right?

Explain to me, why I liked the show ok so far, but the last two episodes have made me want to stop several times? Am I suddenly not in tune with it, any more? Or could it possibly be getting worse?

This. And the opposite of that.

Well, I was pretty certain that she is good-looking, but I was surprised about the difference, nonetheless. I just googled pics of her and wow, it's quite amazing how you can make a knock-out like her look like a tranny.

For similar reasons, I gave that one a B. Didn't do much for me, felt like setup and merely solid. 
I find that episodes with emotional (main) character-related scenes rank higher in my favor. Needless to see, the two mentioned scenes had their expected effect on me and I ranked it A-. I find myself at odds with this

Back then I assumed that guy was Theirlivia's son and that the zeppelin was her womb and that the newborn little Peter ("from inside the zeppelin") would grow up to be the man to kill Ourlivia. Or maybe Theirlivia. Likely just metaphorically. I took it that they shared consciousness through the acid trip. That theory

If you dislike the show that much, why not get someone else to review it? " Because nobody likes it (more), would be my guess.

If "better" is based on enjoyment. Well, not even then it's "better" than Homeland for me, personally. But I can see how that might work for some. After all, it's only second to Homeland for me (counting new shows this season).

Daniel is far from bright, but from what I gathered he didn't look at Emily like he thought Victoria's smile was genuine. It was more of a "that's the best we get, let's take it" kind of look.

Ashley witnessed that Victoria is close to her defeat and that all of her (Ashley's) sucking up to her will have been a waste of her time, as she tells Nolan later in that episode. No blackmail here. Victoria got nothing left, for all Ashley knows and she got nothing on Conrad from that particular exchange.

You know, if that turns out to be true, it would be a lame repeat of the "surprise" sibling twist we got this time. I don't like that. Hardly a twist if the one who acts like a big brother turns out to be just that.
Then again, that would make a triple-repetition of this twist more likely and we all know what that