
I think the difference between what your friend experienced (and kudos for helping her overcome her panic attacks) and what the writers here deal with is that your friend was being harassed somewhere she went for recreation while the writers here are being attacked for doing their jobs. And they're looking through the

I think the difference between what your friend experienced (and kudos for helping her overcome her panic attacks) and what the writers here deal with is that your friend was being harassed somewhere she went for recreation while the writers here are being attacked for doing their jobs. And they're looking through the

Yeah, the Kelvans. Sorry. I watched the two episodes back-to-back, so I must have gotten confused. The Kelvan episode is the one I'm looking forward to.

Incidental music
No matter how awesome "Amok Time" is, I can't help giggling at the melodramatic swells in music. The acting is strong enough to convey the weight of the scenes, so the music feels superfluous. I'm personally looking forward to the space-hippie episode. Not only do we get to see Kirk, Spock, and McCoy

Admittedly, I was a coward as a child. When I first saw E.T., I was two years old (maybe three). I was doing alright, creeped out by the predominant amount of darkness. Then came the scene where the kid and ET bump into each other in the corn field. To everyone else who saw the film, it was one of those cute

It's called "The Peculiar Such Thing", an African-American folk tale.