
This is going to be pretty ankhsty.

But clearly the idea of micropayments began with handsome Pete.

This is more a case of the Simpsons making fun of something bad, which is kind of their wheelhouse.

Round of applause for Taft's Big Score.

My brother was on this show. Most contestants have been waiting around for close to 24 hours before going on air, so keep in mind a better title would be Physically Exhausted Jeopardy Lite.

This looks a whole lot like a Rocky Balboa script written if they didn't get the rights to Rocky, down the the video-game recreation that spawns the action.

Anyone else see Alan Tudyk in that thumbnail shot?

Sad to hear that Spike Lee's alter ego has been killed.

Until this news i never realized I heard Starscream when Ultron spoke.

Putting my money down: the fifth takes place in the Bermuda triangle (what other Caribbean supernatural stuff is left?) and ends with Jack Sparrow sucked through a wormhole into the future.

I just clapped at my desk..

The best thing about this movie is that Pupkin's actually okay as a stand-up. It would be so easy to make him terrible, but a brilliant choice to made him so-so.

How is this not part of Machete Kills?

"Pray to Sony my soul to sleep" is one of the single greatest lyrics of any song.

My mom's Christmas shopping is now done!

This might be the end of "Put a Bird on It" replacing "Save the Cat."

Y'all are forgetting there was a video game that was worse than any sequel could be.

The Sandman collection is from 1996, I believe: probably was reprinted in 2002.

As a dyslexic, I'm a big fan of AIM.

Good man for doing this.